When I Am Hurt

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Officer Williams yanks the broom closet door open,

"OH WHAT THE FUCK BELLA." Danielle yells midway through spanking the inmate from cell block C,

"You can yell at me later, right now shit has gone down in the shower block so grab your stuff, we need to get down there right now." Bella tells her.

"Fuck." Danielle mumbles as she grabs her belt and runs to catch up with Officer Williams. "What happened?"

"Not sure, all I know is something has happened to Alana Haim." Bella says in a worried voice.

The officers rush down the corridors and enter the shower block, they find Este comforting a naked Alana whilst Jamie holds a blood soaked towel against the girl's inner thigh.


Thirty minutes earlier

Jamie looks behind her and notices that Danielle is no longer standing at the doorway, suddenly not in the mood to sit and watch the movie she gets up and leaves. She goes for a walk to try and clear her head and work out what she was feeling for Danielle, not really taking any notice of where she was going she ends up outside the shower block and can hear people talking and laughing, she goes inside and sees Sharn, she can't see who else is in the shower cubicle but knows Sharn is up to know good.

Jamie is about to yell out when she hears a panicked voice and recognises Alana's voice, she rushes back to the Rec room to get help.

"E Turner's fucking got Alana." Jamie says in a loud whisper.

Este, Rosa and a couple of other inmates sprint out of the Rec room and follow Jamie back to the shower block. Este having longer legs overtakes Jamie and enters the room first,

"I'm going to make it fucking hurt." Sharn laughs, as she brings the screwdriver down hard.

"Noooo." Alana screams,

Este's mind quickly registers what is happening and she rushes straight at Sharn knocking her over, the screwdriver misses it's mark but causes a deep gash to Alana's inner thigh. The grey cement floor begins to turn red.

Jamie and the other inmates go after Sharn's goons. Jamie lands a decent kick to Jugs knee causing the girl to fall to the ground screaming in pain.

"Not so fun when the shoe's on the other foot now is it ha?" Jamie yells as she continues to kick the girl lying on the ground. 

"Four against one you fucking lowlife coward, I guess the odds are no longer in your favor." Este sits on top of Sharn pummeling the girl with her fists,

"Shit E I think she's received your message loud and clear." Rosa says as she tries to pull Este off of Sharn, "E. ESTE. HEY you're gonna kill her. Come on she's not worth it." 

The other inmates help Rosa drag Este off the girl.

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT you can let go now." Este says, she watches as Sharn's lackeys help the girl to stand, "Listen up Turner if I catch you or any of your whores going anywhere near Alana Haim, fuck no, if any of you fucking cunts so much as side glance at her I'll shove my fist so far up ya, my fingers will be tickling the back of your throat. Capeesh?

The beatened inmates quickly help Sharn retreat out the door and down the corridor.

"Este." Jamie calls out to get her attention,

She  turns around quickly and hurries over to Alana, the girl has curled herself up into a ball on the cold hard floor,

"Shit someone get me a towel." Este says as she gently pulls the crying girl onto her lap. "Shh its okay now, it's okay, you're safe kiddo, Mama bear's here, shh I've got you now."

Jamie kneels down next to the girl and uses a towel to apply pressure to her wound.


The present

"Alana what happened? Who did this to you?" Isabella asks as she kneels down next to Jamie, the crying girl doesn't say a word, just clings even tighter to Este,

"Where the fuck where you." Este growls as she looks towards Danielle, "Maybe if you stopped thinking with your dick for once none of this would've happened. You're just lucky Jamie was on the ball and got help when she did."

Danielle doesn't know what to say, she looks at Jamie but Jamie refuses to make eye contact,

"And what exactly happened Haim? Who attacked Alana? Was it Turner?" Isabella again asks,

"Dosen't matter, unlike some we take care of our own and the matters been handled." Este replies.

"We need to get Alana to the infirmary." Jamie says as she places a fresh towel to the girls thigh.


"How's Alana Doc?" Isabelle asks,

"It's a pretty deep wound, took nine stitches to close it, she's damn lucky her femoral artery wasn't hit, but don't worry Alana's going to be fine. We'll keep her in here over night and start her on a course of antibiotics to stop any infections." The Doctor tells Officer Williams.

"Okay thanks Doc, I'll stay and keep an eye on her tonight." Isabelle tells him.

She goes outside to let the others know how Alana is,

"Can we see her?" Jamie asks,

"Doc says she needs her rest so make it quick." Officer Williams tells them,

"What are we going to put in the report?" Danielle whispers to Isabella, Este stops at the infirmary door and turns around to look at the officers,

"Don't worry your bacon's saved, we've already handled things, like I said before we actually take care of our own." 

She turns back around, pushes the door open and together with Jamie enters the infirmary and walks over to Alana's bed,

"Hey kiddo." Este says, "How you doing?"

"I want to go home." Alana sobs, "I don't belong here."

"No it's okay, don't worry E's put the word out that no ones allowed to come near you, so you're safe now." Jamie tells her, 

"Yeah that's right, stick with me kid and you'll never go hungry again." Este says,

"Did...did you just quote The Lion King to me?" Alana asks,

"What? Timon gives the best advice." Este grins and starts singing, "Hukuna matata it means no worries for the rest of your days."

Alana can't help but laugh and before long has joined in singing with Este and Jamie.


Several hours later

"Of...Officer Sari, he...hello. Anyone?" the inmate says whilst still handcuffed to the water pipe.  

Thank you all for continuing to read, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) Thank you Jess for always letting me bounce ideas off you xx

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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