The Hosting Game

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        The Hosting Game is also known as "Don't Look Back" for reasons that will become apparent later on. As always, play at your own risk.




A small, dark, empty room in your home (your "hosting room"). Ideally, this room should have no windows. If it does have windows, be sure to cover them up. No outside light should be visible from inside the room.A pencil/pen/marker and a piece of paper. A clock, watch, or other analog timekeeping device. Do not use a cellphone, digital watch, or other digital timekeeping device. Three matches.


1. Begin at night.

2. Keep your timekeeping device and the three matches on your person at all times.

3. Turn off all possible sources of noise in your home, including telephones, televisions, computers, alarms, etc.

4. Cover up the windows if your hosting room has any.

5. Enter your hosting room and turn on the light. If the room contains no overhead lights or lamps, use a flashlight, candle, lantern, or other portable light source.

6. Place your pen/pencil and paper in your hosting room.

7. Leaving the light source on, exit your hosting room. Go to the furthest point in your room and call, "I'll be ready soon!"

8. Move from room to room, repeating this phrase in every room. Move closer to your hosting room with each call.

9. When you arrive back to your hosting room, use your pen/pencil to write the following message: "You are invited! A gathering hosted by [Your name]. Begins at [Current time] and ends at [One hour from current time]. Bring your friends!"

10. Place the paper in the middle of the room.

11. Stand in the doorway facing your hosting room and call, "I'm ready! Come on in!"


1. Turn off the light and turn around. The open door to the hosting room should be at your back; you should be facing the darkness of your home.

2. Take out your three matches.

3. After a few moments of silence, count to 10 out loud.

4. When you reach the count of 10, light your first match. If the first match lights on the first strike, hold it as it burns and greet your guests by saying "I'm so glad to see you! Thank you for coming!" Hold the match until it burns down as low as you can bear. If it does not light immediately on the first strike, drop it and proceed to the next step.

5. Strike the second match and do not look behind you. If it lights on the first strike, greet more of your guests by saying, "I'm so glad to see you! Thank you for coming!" If it does not light immediately on the first strike, drop it and proceed to the next step.

6. Strike the third match and do not look behind you. If the match lights on the first try, say, "Now everyone is here!" And count to 10 again. If you have done this correctly, you will hear and/or feel whispering, rustling, or a quiet "Thank you" behind you. If the match does not light on the first strike, you have uninvited guests. Run to the nearest light source and turn it on.

7. Do not look behind you.

8. When your timekeeping device indicates the gathering's ending time, say out loud, "Thank you for coming. Goodbye."

9. Turn on the nearest light source. The gathering is over and your guests have gone.


This game is best played alone. If there is already a gathering, your guests may feel unwelcome. Once the gathering has begun, do NOT look behind you or turn around.If you have uninvited guests, do not assume that they have left your home just because you turned on the lights. It is recommended that you do a purifying ritual after the gathering, as well as avoiding dark rooms in your home from then on.

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