First Day and Revelations

Start from the beginning

“hey love here’s your lunch” Liam says coming in and sitting next to me handing me my lunch bag I take it from him and put it next to my bag

“Thankyou Uncle Liam” I say sitting back in my position I hope there is no paparazzi there I don’t think I can handle that.

“You ok sweetie?” Uncle Liam ask really he thinks I would be calm today. I just shrug my shoulders I hear him let out a sigh.

“You’re going to do fine to day Grace just be yourself you will make heaps of friends I can guarantee it” He tells me I just smile and nod. I give him a hug and say thanks and I will see him after school. I go and give the others a hug good bye they all wish me luck and each of the boys tell me to stay away from boys they have germs. Just as I am hugging Perrie goodbye Mum and dad come own stairs.

“Good luck sweetie   remember that we all love you and are always very proud of you and if there are any mean people tell me and I’ll sort them out for you missy” Perrie whispers to me before I pull away from the hug smiling a little at her. I walk over to mum and Dad, dad is holding my bag and lunch.

“Let’s go then princess let’s get to school” Dad says placing a hand on my shoulder and guiding me out to the car. We get into mums car and Paul is going to follow us in another car in case there are pap’s and what not.

We get to the school I look out the window there are lots kids here now it makes everything seem scarier now. I hear car doors close I just sit where I am my door opens.

“You going to come out from there princess?” I hear dad ask I take a deep breath and sigh before taking Dads hand he helps me out he puts on a hat and glasses so people don’t see him Mum hands me my bag I put it over my shoulder Mum and dad each take a hand and my feet start moving automatically to keep up with Mum and Dad. We get to the class room where we are greeted by Mr Carrington.

“Good morning Grace, how are you?” He ask bending don to my height I feel more comfortable when people are not standing over me.

“I’m ok thankyou” I tell him quietly I feel like people are all watching me I don’t like that it makes me feel like they are all judging me.

“That’s good did you want to go and put your bag on the hook and take your seat the bell should sound so” Mr Carrington says I look around and see that there are no other parents and the bags are outside so I go a hang my bag up and turn to say goodbye to Mum and Dad.

“Well we better get going honey if you need us just get Mr Carrington to call us baby girl” Mum says I nod not wanting them to leave but knowing they have to I just nod my head. Mum pulls me in for a tight hug and kisses my cheek I see tears in her eyes as we pull apart.

“You’re growing up so fast” she whispers rubbing my cheek. Dad then pulls me in for a hug I don’t want to leave his or her’s arms that is where I am safe and at home.

“Have a good day princess you will be fine. You make us so proud of you little one we love you so much.” Dad says as he hugs me tight  I breath in his smell it is mixed with mums and  helps to calm me down then I realize that is what I need is maybe something that smells like them. I look at Mum she has a scarf on that will do me.

“Mummy can I have your scarf?” I ask her giving her my puppy dog look she agrees and takes it off and place it around my neck for me they both kiss my cheek before the gently push me towards the class room door where Mr Carrington is waiting for me again I feel myself start to get worked up a bit my breathing becomes a little more choppy as Mum and Dad walk away I want to run after them telling them I don’t want to go to school.

“Gracie sweetie try and control your breathing they will be back this afternoon to get you, you will be ok here.” He says I take deep breaths and can smell mums scent.  I know they will come back for me I’m just scared that no one will like me others are scattered around the room talking to each other  some looking at me and Mr Carrington.

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