Golden Rules

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Above all moral precepts, not harming living things must come on top. This refers to humans, animals, reptiles, insects and the list goes on. Just the way you do not want to be harmed, the same way others want to be safe, and you should feel responsible for making sure you do not harm any living thing. Getting Bad Karma should not be a driven force, you should desire to want to be a good person and without thinking of what you would like in return. 

For example most people would automatically reach out and hold a door open for somebody who is struggling. You do not have to take it to the extreme, say Jains (Type of Buddhists based mostly in India), sweep the floor before stepping on it to avoid killing bugs. 

I personally always had good manners, I would like to think, however the harder I thought about Buddhism, the harder I found it to do anything even remotely mean to others. This includes Lying and gossip.  It is called practicing truthfulness. If you are not true to others, you are not true to yourself. It also means using speech of benefit to others and not just yourself. 

Similarly to the things above, you shall not take things which are not yours. Basically do not steal from others. You wouldn't like it happening to you and I think this one goes without saying. 

There aren't many strict rules regarding Buddhism and substances. We tend to say that alcohol and drugs etc; lead you to do things which you would not normally do. They make you lose control of yourself, and it is ever so important not to act out of your character and be in control of your own mind that is why it is recommended not to give into those temptations. A lot of people get into Physical and verbal fights when they are drunk for example, and that would be hurtful. You are likely to regret it the next day too.

Similar belief goes for sex. Some of the really strict Buddhist, mostly in Asia, refrain from sex altogether. It should not come as a surprise as Priests and Nuns are not allowed to have sex either so it is not that uncommon to hear that. However, worry not, as long as you and the sexual partner are on the same page there are no issues with that.

Just keep in mind that sex is driven by desire, and desire makes you do things you may not have normally done and not be true to yourself. Thinking about this, it does make sense, so just it in the back of your mind. Also it is important to note that Buddhism does not have any strong views regarding contraception as it is your body and your choice, regardless of what some people might think; how it terminates the living person. 


I Would love to hear from you guys!! Feel free to leave a comment, one Buddhist to another ;) See what you think for all I know I could be getting this all wrong...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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