Chapter 1//A Fresh New Start

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A beautiful day. Just maybe another normal day with the same routine. But you, you wanted to change that.

"MICHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEL!!!" you screamed. Michael quickly sat up from his bed and somehow quickly got the bat ready in hand "WHO AM I GOING TO KILL??!" he yells out. 

You face palmed and lower his bat in the air "First of all, how many times have I told you to not sleep with the bat. You're going to accidentally hit me with that with those damn reflexes..."

Michael bit his lip and puts the bat away "Second of all, I got exciting news!" Michael looks at you "What is it?" You smiled "I'm going to work with you!" Michaels eyes widen as saucers 

"Um, why? I don't want you to get hurt in missions along the way. Besides, being a police officer takes a lot of work." You frowned "Is it because I'm a lady, Mike?"

He puts a hand up "Don't call me that, please." "Then let me work with you!" you cross your arms and glare at him. Michael groans "FIIIINE! You're the boss..."

You smirk and tap the tip of his nose "Exactly~" You got out of bed and walk out the room. Michael shakes his head and puts on his tank top and walks out the room also.

You go downstairs and see Allison drawing and Faith on her phone "Morning guys!" you said, smiling at both of them. It brought them both attention and they both said it back

"Morning Mom!" You kissed both of them in the forehead "I'll cook some breakfast so you both can start off the day good." "Okay." Faith says. Michael appears in the living room where you guys are in and says,

"Morning sweetie pies!" "Morning dad!" Michael sits next to faith "Who are you texting?" he suddenly says "You're not texting boys, are you?" Faith rolls her eyes  "I don't like boys, dad."

"Oh really?" he chuckles a little "Yes really. They're so immature. They try to act cool, which they're not. It makes me cringe." She scoffs. Michael looks at her phone "Well, some boys are mature."

She looks at him "The only male I like is you, Dad." Michael looks at her in awe "Thats so sweet of you, sweetheart." Allison comes up in the conversation 

"Hey! I love you too Dad!" Michael laughs "I know you two love me so much." all three of them hug each other. You also came along "What about me?"

Michael playfully pushes you "Nah, I don't know you." You started to fake cry "Aw! That makes me sad!" They all laugh and Michael brings you close "You know that I'm kidding." 

You giggle "Of course! I totally knew that." Now it was a family group hug "I love you all" Michael says. "We love you too Dad!" You all stayed like that for a minute and broke the hug after

"Okay, i got to finish cooking Breakfast." you said getting up from the couch "Okay Mom." Allison and Faith says. Allison looks at Michael "Dad? How did you and mommy meet?"

Faith smiles slyly and looks at Dad "Yeah Dad, how DID you meet her?" Michael rolls his eyes "Faith you already know the story, you silly dilly." Michael looks at Allison

"As for you, Ill tell you how we both met."

"Your under arrest! Put your hands up!" The L.A.P.D police said firmly

The three men out their hands up as the man went to his walkie talkie to tell about 'Three men touching your body parts' A few minutes later, some other L.A.P.D guys went to take the perverts to jail. While they threw the perverts to the L.A.P.D car, you were still crying and hugged yourself since one of the policemen untied you and your cloth from your mouth.

The guy who had found you and the perverts, sat down next to you and rubbed your back trying to calm you down. He grinned.

"Hey, it's going to be alright kid.."

You sniffed and nodded a little. He helped you up and he smiled.

"Come on, let's get you to the L.A.P.D , so we can check if the coast is clear and also, so your parents can pick you up. You don't wanna get touch again.."

You nodded once more and the police man lead you into the L.A.P.D car. You were in the passenger seat, and also of course, he was in the drivers seat. You two buckle your seat belts and the police men started the car.

"Oh, and by the way, my names Michael, nice to meet you" he said

"Nice too met you too, I'm (Y/N)" you said mumbling at the last sentence.

He grinned. So then Michael step on the gas and followed the other L.A.P.D cars.

"Dad told me all of that when i was younger. I remember how I met mom too."

"Oh, cheer up (Y/n)! Don't be sad!"

But it didn't work, but Michael didn't give up. So he called Faith to come in his office with his and her fox. Faith entered her dad's office and saw you on the couch laying down with a blanket on top of your head.

Michael told her to say hi, and so she went up to you and tapped on your shoulder. You turned around and saw Michaels daughter and her fox from the frame you saw on Michaels desk last night. She waved at you and smiled brightly.

"Hello, miss! My name is Faith! And this is our fox ! Say hi captain!"

Faith gently grabbed Foxys hand pretend like he was waving at you. You smiled a little and giggled. You waved back.

"I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you" you said

Faith sat on the end of the couch from were your feet was. She pet her fox gently humming. She heard about what happened last night, and decide to ask you about it.

"So, miss (Y/n)? I heard that your parents had a car accident, is that true?" She said curiously

You nodded

"Yes, Your dad told me about it.."

"Oh okey"

Then it was silent for a few minutes, well, except for the AC of course that can't turn off. You stared at your pillow, for some reason, reminding you of your parents probably going to be in heaven soon. Faith stood up and went out.

"See you later (Y/n)! I'm going to play fetch with my fox! Bye!" She waved at you

You waved back and she was gone.

"She is so pretty when I saw her face! And I knew she would  be perfect for Dad." Michael chuckles and ruffles her hair "Thats true!" Allison 'oooooh's in amazement

"Im happy you and mom met, Dad!" "Of course! I wouldn't have you if I was still with Doll." Michael suddenly catches what he actually said, and slaps a hand over his mouth

"W-whos Doll?" Allison says, almost a hint of sadness in her voice. You overheard this conversation and glare at Michael across from the kitchen.

He looks at you and back at Allison "Um...j-just a ex friend of mine! Thats all..." Allison smiles suddenly "Okay!" then she went back to drawing

"Watch your mouth dad..." "I know Faith, I know."


Michael's Partner // Michael x reader (SEQUEL TO 'ITS GOING TO BE OKAY')Where stories live. Discover now