Nap Time with Daddy

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(Leathermouth Frank and Revenge Gerard)

"I'm Home!"

Gerard's voice rang out through the Iero-Way household as the little entered, home from another day at art school. He set his big painting bag down by the door and walked through the entryway, looking for his daddy, Frank. With any luck, he'd find him just as he had found him yesterday.

He looked throughout the house and finally found his daddy Frank on the couch in the living room. His shirt was long since discarded on the floor, empty chip bags surrounding the couch. Frank was asleep on the couch, head on one armrest and feet on the other. His jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped, letting his belly pour into his lap. Crumbs were stuck in his beard.

Just as Gerard had found him yesterday.

Neither of the men would lie that Frank had been gaining weight in the last year, but Gerard was, as far as the little knew, the only one that enjoyed it. He had found Frank like that for a few days now and had to constantly resist the urge to go up and play with his belly, but today he lost control.

The little walked over to the couch and carefully straddled his daddy's plump thighs, placing his hands on the big belly before him. Gerard moved Frank's belly back and forth, watching it jiggle. He traced his fingers up the fresh red stretch marks on his love handles gently. There were a few new ones and a few that had been there for weeks.

Carefully, the little leaned down and began to kiss Frank's belly all over. He kissed a line down the center and nibbled on the edge of his bellybutton then kissed closer to his underbelly.

Frank had long since woken up; he had actually been awake since Gerard had first come home. He just faked being asleep to see what he would do, and wow was he surprised.

He was just fine with letting Gerard play with his belly before Gerard spoke.

It was quiet, since Gerard didn't want to wake his daddy from his nap. But, ever so faintly, Gerard mumbled, "Big and beautiful, I love daddy's chub so much... bigger, pwease..." He kept kissing the belly of his daddy, not even noticing Frank open his eyes and look at him.

"What did you just say, kitten?" Frank raised an eyebrow. Gerard sat up straight as a board and looked at him wide eyed.

"Y-You heard that, d-daddy?" Gerard squeaked out, blushing intensely as he shook gently.

Frank nodded softly and chuckled. "Angel, it's okay. Come here." He open his arms for a hug. Gerard quickly obliged, burying his face in Frank's developing man boobs.

Gerard nuzzled into him, staying silent as he enjoyed having his big, plump daddy with him. His arms were wrapped around him, letting them sink into his squishy flesh.

"Now, angel, why don't you tell daddy what you were saying." Frank looked down at him.

The little was still silent as he pulled away slowly, avoiding eye contact, till he finally spoke. "I-I just love daddy b-being big..." Gerard blushed and bit his lip. "I didn't wanna tell daddy cause I was scawed he wouldn't love me..."

"Aw, angel, I will always love you." Frank gently tilted his face to meet his eyes and pecked his lips. "I'm perfectly okay with you liking all this." He chuckled and shook his belly. "Honestly, I am too."

"W-Weally, daddy?" Gerard looked at Frank with big hopeful eyes.

Frank nodded and kissed him, pulling him closer. Gerard shifted closer and sunk his hands into different areas of his daddy, squeezing the abundance of fat he had.

Once he pulled away, Gerard looked at Frank's belly, continuing to squish his plump belly. "I m-meant what I said, d-daddy... I w-want you bigger..."

Frank chuckled and kissed his forehead. "Then I will get bigger, just for my little angel."

Gerard smiled softly and buried his face in Frank's fat, making his daddy giggle. The little kissed all over his belly, licking and nibbling at the stretch marks. Frank blushed and bit his lip, watching his baby boy jiggle and play with his belly.

"Is daddy really okay with getting big and fat?" Gerard mumbled and looked up at him. Frank chuckled as he replied.

"Mhm, as big as you want me."

((So, I'm making this a oneshot book. Yayyy.))

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