An Extremely Tall Tale

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(Sorry but no chub kink here :P)

"F-Fuck..." Frank slurred as he and his boyfriend Gerard drunkenly stumbled into their house after a long night of clubbing together. They locked the door behind themselves and walked to the kitchen for aspirin to help with the headaches they had both gotten.

"Dammit," Gerard muttered, "I think that bitch of a bartender drugged us..." He leaned against the table and grunted.

Frank walked to the cupboard and opened it, reaching for the aspirin on the top shelf. "God... fuck... babe, I can't reach it. Why did you put it on the top?"

Gerard walked over and grabbed the aspirin from the top, handing it to the shorter man. "I dunno, jus' take it." He rubbed his face.

Frank rolled his eyes and got a glass of water, throwing the medicine to the back of his mouth and taking a swig of his drink. Gerard followed suit and sighed.

"I hate how short I am." Frank frowned and looked down. "Seriously, I'm the dominant one, I should be taller."

"I know, babe. You'll probably grow a little more." Gerard reassured him, kissing his cheek. Frank shrugged and sighed, leaning against him drunkenly and looking down to his feet.

"'M tired, let's go get some rest." Frank muttered and took his hand, walking down the hall to the bedroom they shared.

He swung the door open and stripped till he was in nothing but boxers. He went to his dresser and pulled out some pajama pants for himself and Gerard, handing the taller man his pair. They slipped them on and Gerard pulled the covers on the bed back, getting in and pulling Frank down with him. The taller turned around, letting the shorter be the big spoon like usual. This wasn't easy considering Gerard was about five nine and Frank was only five five.

Luckily, by morning, that issue will be solved.


Frank awoke late in the morning, seeing that Gerard had rolled to face him in his sleep. Silently, he admired the older man's features till he noticed something.

He had to look down to see his face properly.

This puzzled Frank, making him look down Gerard's body, looking at his limbs. He was positive that the black haired man's legs were longer than that...

Frank spotted his own feet. They were much farther away than usual, and his legs extended past Gerard's toes. "What the hell...?" He muttered under his breath as to not wake the sleeping beauty next to him.

A little while of confused silence later, Gerard finally blinked his eyes opened and looked up at Frank. "Mm, morning, babe..." He grumbled, voice thick and quiet with sleep.

"Morning, beautiful." Frank smiled softly, still confused. "It's almost noon, we should get up."

Gerard chuckled. "Yeah, I need some more eyeliner anyways." The older man sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed to find that they didn't reach the floor. Funny, he would have sworn they did yesterday.

Frank noticed the puzzled look on Gerard's face and sat up. "Baby, what's wrong?" He set a gentle hand on his boyfriend's back.

"Frankie, was our bed always this high off the ground? My feet don't touch the floor." Gerard turned his head to look at Frank and had to tilt his head back to look him in the eye. "Whoa, did you get... taller?"

Frank chuckled and shrugged. "You noticed that too, huh?" The younger stood up and saw his pajama pants only reached halfway down his calves.

Gerard stood as well, making his pajama pants slide down his waist. He quickly grabbed the fabric and looked down at the sweater paws the pants made on his feet. "I thought this pair was shorter than this..." He thought aloud before looking back, or rather up, at Frank, who was now about a foot taller than the older man.

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