“Well that’s an original name,” I said with a smile.

“Yeah, they didn’t get too creative with it.  Have a good day at school, I won’t be able to give you a ride home until 6 tonight, so you’re probably better off finding a ride home.  People are really nice, and I’m sure everyone will be excited to meet you, so finding a ride shouldn’t be hard. “

I nodded and tried not to show my nervousness at that.  First day of school and I had to rely on someone I didn’t know yet to get a ride home. Yay.

I got out of the truck and started walking into the main doors of the school, which led into the office.  There I waited at the desk for the lady there to get off the phone.  As I was waiting, a boy walked out of the principal’s office in the back, which who I’m guessing was the principal right behind him.

“I want this to be a good year Ian, please don’t start it off the wrong way,” the principal said in an exasperated voice.

The guy, Ian, mock saluted him and said, “Yes sir, Principal Sanders!”  The principal sighed and waved him away and headed back into his office.  As the boy started walking away though, he caught me looking at him.

“You see what you like?” he said in a cocky voice.

I raised my eyebrows and smiled.  “You wish.”  Although, I had to admit he was good looking.  He had midnight black hair that reach his shoulders and dark brown eyes that almost looked black to match, and since he was only wear a t-shift with the sleeves cut off, I could see he was very muscular.  But still, not my type.

He laughed and walked over to me.  “You’re the new girl, right?  Riley.”

I nodded in confirmation but didn’t face him even though he was right next to me.  “I’m Ian.  Ian Sanders.”

I turned my head to him then in confusion.  Didn’t he just call that man Principal Sanders.

He laughed again.  “Yeah, principal’s son.”  He leaned closer then, close enough that I could feel his breath on my cheek.  Something in me said I should move back, but my pride kept me standing still.  He whispered in my ear, “But don’t worry, that doesn’t make me a good guy.”

His breath sent chills down my back, but I could tell if it was in a good way or not.  Hopefully not.

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away from me.  But as soon as my hand touched his chest I felt a shock go through my arm.  I brought my arm back immediately and gasped.

Ian looked shocked too, but easily recovered.  “What, am I too hot for you babe?”

I growled lowly, so only he would here.  “I think you should leave now Ian, if I’m not mistaken that was the warning bell, and if you don’t go now you’ll be late for class.”

Actually, I had no idea if the bell that just rang was the warning bell, but I was hoping like crazy that it was.

He laughed again and rolled his eyes, but took a step back.  “I’ll see you later, little wolf.”

When he turned around my eyes widened in surprise.  Crap, I’d just growled at him before I had even registered that he was a shifter too.  What if he had been human?  This was not a great start to my day.

“Ah-hem,” I heard someone say from the desk.  They lady was sitting there giving me the death glare.  “Now that you’re done with the flirting, may I help you?”

I wanted to correct her and say that I hadn’t been flirting, but I could tell by her glare that it wouldn’t matter.  “My name is Riley Parker, and I’m a new student here.  Can I get my schedule please?”

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