Tongue Twisters

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So, do we like "Tongue Twisters"? Of course. In hungarian, you say "nyelvtörő".

Let's get started with an easy one.

1. Sárga bögre, görbe bögre.

("Yellow mug, curved mug.")

Say it three times, fast. It is already a challenge, isn't?

2. Mit sütsz kis szűcs? Tán sós húst sütsz kis szűcs?

("What are you cooking, little pelletier? Maybe you cook salty meat, little pelletier?")

This is harder, isn't it?
Then, let's take a step further.

3. Az egyik picike pocok pocakon pöckölte a másik picike pockot, erre a pocakon pöckölt picike pocok, pocakon pöckölte az őt pocakon pöckölő picike pockot.

(I'd rather die, than translate this one, but you know, life sucks, who am I to complain, so here it is: "One little moppet knuckled the other little moppet's tummy, so the tummy-knuckled little moppet knuckled the little moppet who knuckled his tummy." Or something like this...)

This is crazy I know. You can easily get lost in its grammar, if not the pronunsiation...

And this is enough for today....

But no, a bonus one, just because I am a huge Harry Potter fan.
So, everyone, we can recall that moment in the fourth movie, when McGonagall teach his house how to dance, and the Weasley twins repeat after her a nice sarcactic comment?

Something like "A bunch of blabbering baboons"? (Or I don't know, because I actually didn't see the movie in english *yet* 😅  I just do fandom things in english...)

In the hungarian official translation this is "Bárdolatlan barbár bugyuta bohócok." Which is a true gem of the flowers of speech.

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