Hungarian cuisine

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I warn you, this is all from wikipedia, I was lazy to write it all down by myself


Gulyásleves (goulash soup; it is possible to cook gulyás like a stew as well, for example Székelygulyás)

Halászlé (a famous hot and spicy fish soup with hot paprika)

Húsleves (clear chicken (or veal meat) soup with soup vegetables and thin soup pasta called csipetke)

Hideg meggyleves (chilled sour-cherry soup)

Jókai bableves(a bean soup named after the author Jókai Mór)

Lencseleves (lentil soup)

Vadgombaleves (wild mushroom soup)

Borleves (wine soup)

Palócleves (named after Mikszáth Kálmán's nickname)

Köménymagleves (caraway seed soup)

Zöldségleves (vegetable soup, made for example of peas, carrot, parsley, often with csipetke as well (pinched dumplings))

Krumplileves (potato soup)

Tojásleves or Rántott leves (soup made with scrambled eggs and caraway seeds)

Májgombóc leves (liver meatball soup; a variation exists called májgaluska leves (liver dumpling soup))

Pacalpörkölt (tripe stew)

Main courses:

Chicken paprikash called Csirkepaprikás (a stew with a lot of sweet paprika, cream or sour cream called tejföl)

Császármorsza (sweet crepe crumbs)

Főzelék (thick vegetable stew)

Székenygulyás (Goulash stew; can be made from three kinds of meat and sauerkraut)

Krumplis tészta or gránátos kocka (a simple noodle dish with potatoes and paprika)

Lecsó (mixed vegetable stew, made of tomato and paprika, somewhat similar to ratatouille)


Sztefánia szelet (or Stefania slices (Hungarian meatloaf with hard boiled eggs in the middle. Makes decorative white and yellow rings in the middle of the slices)

Pecsenye (thin pork steak served with cabbage or the dish fatányéros, a Hungarian mixed grill on wooden platter)

Pörkölt (meat stew) - similar to ragu

Palacsinta (stuffed Hungarian crepes, usually filled with jam. Other fillings are sweet quark cheese with raisins or meat)

Gundel palacsinta (Gundel crepe, stuffed with walnuts and served in chocolate sauce, often flambéed)

Hortobágyi (húsos) palacsinta (savoury crepe filled with veal stew)Rakott palacsinta (layered Hungarian crepes with sweet cottage cheese, raisins, jam and walnuts)

Paprikás krumpli (paprika-based stew with spicy sausage and potatoes)

Rántott sajt, (flat cheese croquette, cheese rolled in breadcrumbs and, deep fried)

Rántott csirke, (chicken rolled in breadcrumbs and deep fried; similar to Wiener Schnitzel)

Rántott galamb, (same as above, except with pigeon)

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