Hungarian dad jokes 1

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So my hungarian friend, ErinCunning recommended me to add exhausting dad jokes. In hungarian. So I have to explain it with my bad english.

So here comes the first

In the first picture there are six ditches

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

In the first picture there are six ditches... So it says Game with six diches

In the second there is no diches. So basically it would be Game without six diches, but it is translated as Game without limits (In english 'It's knockout' in french 'Jeux sans frontières').

It's because dich in hungarian means árok, but six ditches means határ+ok, and határ means limit, frontier and stuff.

I hope you understood what I tried to say. If not that's my fault, my explonations in english are poor.


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