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Far far away in a land of fairies, there lived a beautiful young girl who was living with her family and other fairy friends. She was the strong, healthy one, always full of life, always shining like a bright new sun. She never thought of tomorrow. She lived only for the day. Her name was ‘’snow ‘’ but the fairies in the kingdom called her ‘’Red snow’’ because she is so pretty and her hair was the color of blood, so red and her lips were so much like cherry color, she was kind and sweet to the people whom ever  she meet. She had always been into reading. As a child she spent her days under the trees and read the stories to the small fairies and make them read as well.

Life was so happy and with beautiful days. But there came the horror. A dark magic spread everywhere and took the bright sun and put them in dark nights. The kingdom lost the power of sun, without sun they could not do anything, the fairies could not make light without the help of sun because fairies usually make light during the day and save it for the night. But now everything was gone, the fairies suffered from the dark magic. The days passed giving only sorrow to the fairy world. But snow was very brave girl, so she went into deep thoughts and then she went to the head of the fairy kingdom and asked them whether she could do anything, but they said it’ll be too dangerous. So she had nothing to do. She returned home and she finally decided to ask her mum. So she asked her about the dark magic. Her mum just told her about the ‘’magic dust’’ which could bring light to their kingdom but the person who had it was an angry person. He was a fairy of light but then the people ignored him for some reason. So now snow just knows what to do! She decided to go on an adventure. She packed stuffs and she didn’t tell anyone about it. Then she had a bag full of tools, food items and other stuffs ready, she was finally happy with her self and then she made a map. She woke up at the break of dawn and she left the place. She felt happy because of that she went to do some help. After a long journey snow took a break in some alien land, it was so cold that she could not even move. There was a noise from behind. She was scared when she heard a creepy sound, it sounded like a     ‘’leaf eate’’   (a leaf fairy). Then she saw an object moving towards her she couldn’t guess what it was, because it was very small and white and nimble greenish. It was like a leafy wing moving above, yes it’s a winter fairy. She asked ‘’Are you lost child?’’, but snow didn’t know what to say, so she replied’’ no I’m looking for an inn’’, ‘’yes, we have some here’’ she replied.  ‘’I’m snow from pita world’’ said snow! So the girl replied with curiosity ‘’I’m silver, a snow light fairy’’. Silver was kind young as well. She didn’t know why a pita world fairy has come to snow land, she asked the reason why snow’s there, so snow told al about it. Silver was so excited and she helped snow by giving her some stuff that she might use need it, snow thanked her and continued her journey. After three days, finally she came to ‘’Maviu’’ (the city of wolves). That’s where the wolf fairies live, they are kind but dangerous and that’s where ‘’Onci’’ (the person who has the power of light) was.  She was really excited, she flapped her wings fast looking each other walking down the paths and holes, causes she has never seen those kind of fairies who she was happy that she is finally there and she is going to get the help. She asked the some of the fairies near about Onci’s house and they showed a place under the ground. It almost looked like an underground rat hole.

She knocked on the door and she was scared when she heard a noise down the door , she stepped aside and saw what it was and it was a small snail which was standing there and said ‘’you must be from pita world?’’ she said ‘’yes, indeed’’. She was really surprised when the snail asked that, then she asked him  that she want to see Onci immediately so he said to pull the rope near  the lamp so she did it as it said and then a big door suddenly opened and the snail said ‘’ go on’’ she stepped in and what a place it is! She looked open mouthed and she said ‘’ It’s a beautiful place!’’ then the snail said to wait here that it will go and call once. She sat on a lenient purple cotton bed, and she looked around it was a huge house with windows, bookshelf, a fire place and more hand made items. Then she heard a noise coming from the steps and she couldn’t see anyone but she could hear the sound, she didn’t move she was standing there and said nothing. ‘’hello my dear, what do u want from me?’’  Again the same voice but it was coming right in front of her, she stared at the air for a sec and again the same voice’ ‘where are you looking? I’m here’’ ‘’I’m trying to see you sir’. But I can’t’’ and the snail said, ‘’your again invisible? She can’t see you Onci! ‘’ then he turned to the snail and said Ohh pardon me Bluex (the snail’s name) I didn’t realize that’’ and then he turned to snow and said ‘’sorry my dear I was doing some important work so that I shouldn’t be visible. So what made you come here?’’ (While he was becoming visible and after some seconds she could see the whole of him. Onci was short and had orange wings and he had a bold designed tattoo on his hand), then snow said ‘’I can see you now sir, well’’ she told Onci all about it. But he was not interested to hear what she was saying, so he stopped and said ‘’ listen my dear, I’m not a pita world fairy anymore, the last time I tried to help, it ended up on this! I will never forget what they’ve done to me for doing nothing’’ ‘’ wont you like to help them? I’m sure they didn’t do anything that was bad!’’ said she. But after explaining he understood that he has been rude to them for no reason so then he agreed that he would make the ‘’light dust’’ for Pita world. So he explained that snow needs some stuff that which can make the light dust so they have to search for it. To make light dust they have to have water drop of the dragon mountain, the bluefly flower and the snow glob dust. To make it easy she asked silver for the snow globs and the city people for the rest of the things, because she didn’t have much time to go around get it al by her self. Meanwhile, there in Pita world everybody was sad and they all were confused and worried that ‘where did snow go?’’ nobody knew other than her mother. After finding all the stuffs, they started making the potion, they put all of them in a tremendous bucket designed cup.

After that Onci touched the pot with his hand, and then he said ’Meant the bond, torn by bride, give the light, don’t get back’’ there were a silent spread, snow saw no change and nothing happened. She was disappointed at first but then suddenly he said  ‘’get back and hide behind the door’’, she did it as he said and he touched it for her surprise there was a beam that blew over the house, so bright that she cant even open. Snow jumped in happiness and then she said ‘’ how did you do that? You can make light from your own body? That’s crazy! How powerful is your light it?’’ ‘’stronger than any fairy could make’’ after that he destroyed the spell of the curse. And there in Pita world the sun started to brighten. The city with colors and lives. Snow returned to Pita world with Onci and everybody was happy and excited to see them both. The people understood everything and they shouted their names for helping them and suddenly ‘’Avayoda’’ (The god of all fairies) came to that place and everybody blessed her and she said ‘’I’m proud both of you for bringing the light back, and Onci can return Pita anytime. And we all thank you for what you’ve done for this kingdom’’ (pointing at snow’s face) you’ve done a bravura job, I would like to give you something as a reward ‘’ and then she took a pearl from her crown and she made an orange light (it entered the pearl) and it became like a necklace she gave that to snow as she was standing there and wondering. All of a sudden the pearl glow intensely and her dress started changing and there she was standing like a beautiful brave angel, Avayoda’s gift is nothing by giving her the power of light which she can make her self. Everybody gave applauded.

And there it goes like that, the days passed by and snow was the same old herself and her red hair became brighten and brighter. Happiness grew in Pita world. Life is full of beautiful dreams and hopes, if u want to make that dream come true we have to work hard. Help others and happiness will glow..

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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