Chapter 27

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        We exited the underground tunnel, the light wind was blowing through the corners of the tall, dark buildings. The place was eerie quiet and seemed to be abandoned. I didn't see a single soul, just a ghostly howling of the wind was the only thing filling the empty alley. The buildings were tall and dark, the top of them had some glass structures, as the most of the giant houses in Amber. The glowing evening sun couldn't get past the tall walls, leaving us in their dark shadows. Some corners were filled with red sand and some random garbage dumped around the primitive dumpsters. As we went farther out of the alleyway, I noticed a part of the dome in the sky, which seemed to be so damaged, it covered only half of its territory. The glass panes were scratched and broken on the edges, giving the impression, it would fall down in any moment. I got the feeling this place was totally forgotten by the Amber's government. I had no idea that any place in this city looked so let down. I thought they repair the damage that come from storms and desert sand. This must be the worst place for people to live in.

"Are you sure this is the place Sharlene?" I ask, seeing the empty environment.

"Yeah, yeah. The place should be somewhere here, it is called 'The Mirage'. Tell me, if you see it anywhere." Sharlene told while scanning the area around us.

       Finally we exited the narrow streets and were in much wider space, also seeing people nearby some houses. A loud zipping sound startles all of us. A breath of relieve left our lungs, seeing it was only a broken neon sign shooting some electric sparks on it's damaged part. The people looked the same like in a subway. We scanned the clearing around us and finally Laura noticed the place we were looking for. The sign was very plain and light coming from it was barely visible. It was on the corner, right before another dark alley, suggesting the direction, where the place actually was. All of us quickly scurried to the alley, trying not to be noticed by suspicious looking man nearby.

"This is it."

      Sharlene lift her hand up to knock on the door, when somebody opened it, before she could do anything.

"Come in." were the persons only words.

Slowly we walked in. It was a woman. She was quietly eying us.

"No robots allowed in here." she said stopping Bryce in his tracks.

"Wh... why?" I was confused.

"Get him out of here, or you can leave all together." was her demand.

     I turned to Bryce and whispered him: "Stay and wait for us outside."

"OK. Just be careful."

I nodded and closed the door before glancing at his bright blue eyes.


..... POV.

    Three young girls entered through the old rusty door.

    This place was not safe for humans like them.  I could tell by the odd looking 'creatures', this place was dangerous. I could see their mischievous faces and gestures, oozing maliciousness in them. I disliked them. Disgusting and ... I just wanted to clear these streets out of these filthy animals. There is no place in the world for beings so low as these humans. I felt something in me, something I have never felt before. So strong, I needed to find the way to get rid of this strange emotion.

     I slowly wondered around the dark buildings, scanning for anyone, who will be unlucky enough to cross my path. On other side of the road I noticed a group of people with some weird looking ones. I recognize them. Robots. So I am not the only one here. I remember hearing of others coming to this part of Amber. So, that information was true.

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