The Old Iron Chef

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Thunder, lighting, a hammer, and an iron anvil, the noise of all of these sounds together are what makes up the majority of my dreams. My precious hammer, I've had it for many a decade. That old anvil, finally rusting over, but still just as durable, just like me. Then the thunder and lighting from the forging of swords, axes, armor, and shields. Oh, how I could make everything for everyone, just as I would, and just for them. Then he came, took away our rights, stole our money, and forced his hand upon my work. But it matters not, because-


I heard my name being called to from across the murky barrier between the realm of the waking, and the world of my dreams. Luckily, it was able to pull me across the threshold, and I was there, grumpy, but awake now. I got up off of my tiny bed and began to limp down to the main room, as of my legs had not woken up yet. I had also noticed that the few lanterns in my home needed to be refueled.

That was later, now, the man calling me over from within my own home. For it was the mayor, he snuck into my house and sat on my one couch, again. What did he want to tell me this time?

"Stephan! There you are, finally! For a second there I thought death finally took away our old blacksmith. Or did I scare death away?" 

There he was, Dr. Siegfried, the "Mayor" of this town. With his smug look and brutal stare that could scare away even the heartiest of fighters in this town. Honestly, though, he is only just a rich man that wanted to take over a town, and so he did. With his incredibly vast amount of money and gold, he bartered, blackmailed, and bribed his way to the top. Although no one actually cares about what he does as "leader," the people don't do anything about the absurd rules he has put in place.

Absurd laws such as, but not limited to; a ban on the trade with the other surrounding villages, a ban on hunting without his permission, ban on what people can and cannot use to hunt, and an especially taxing law about what I, as the town's only blacksmith, can and cannot create for the people I so dearly love forging for. Ah, it brings back memories, truly, before Siegfried came in and took over everything, although we were leaderless, we were much more free and peaceful. I would create some of the best, and most unique gear for everyone who wanted it, all completely handcrafted and custom made for the client. 'Twas the best feeling in the world, watching my clients be filled with joy at the sight of their new gear. But alas! All because of Dr. Siegfried's interference, I can no longer make my famously unique pieces of working art, as I am instead forced to make the same thing, over and over, until I, or he, dies.

Unfortunately, that was many, many years ago, and here I still stand, old and poor of sight, in front of the man who took away the right for me to create what I wish to. Truly, it's sad and disheartening, but being this old and weak, I cannot do anything about it. So I just cope with his pretend ruling like a king.

"Old man! Are you there? Or have you finally become senile?" 

He was still here, as egotistic as ever.

"I am here Siegfried. I haven't lost my peace of mind just yet." 

Keep pushing me and I might just be able to lose it.

"Uh huh, what'd I tell you old man? You're to call me 'Mayor Siegfried,' we are not friends you and me, and you have no right to call me by just my name."

I could do nothing about his insult to my humanity. I am too weak to fight him head-on, as is the reason no one has bothered to take him down. So for now, I must comply, yet I want to rebel.

One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon