The Orphan Child - Rapunzel

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Notes: Rapunzel is a type of cabbage. The character was named after the vegetable her mother craved during pregnancy! 

Brazel is the original sort of pretzel, more like a bread. 

Eintopf is a sort of German stew.


Once upon a time, a beautiful baby girl was born to a young woman. The little girl, Rosalind, had the bluest eyes and brightest blonde hair anyone ever did see. She smiled sweetly at her mama, Gerda, gurgling quietly.

Gerda was still a girl by many standards. Even though she now held her baby in her arms, she was but sixteen years old. Her long, black hair was still in braids and her brown eyes were still as big as saucers. Gerda did not care though. She did not mind when she had all the joy in the world swaddled close to her.

Her lover, Lord Theodoric, walked through the door at that moment. Gerda glanced away from their daughter for a moment to smile at her true love. He had the same blue eyes and blonde hair that their daughter was blessed with.

Gerda remembered well how they met. She was the daughter of a wealthy merchant and one of the fairest maidens in the land. Lord Theodoric was dashing and mature. One day he spotted her in the market and as they walked together, conversing as they went, the two fell deeply in love. Lord Theodoric visited her every night from that day forth. One thing led to another and beautiful little Rosalind came into their lives.

"Theo, my darling," Gerda called, her tone soft with overwhelming love. "Is our Rosalind not the most precious thing on God's earth?"

Lord Theodoric reached down to brush Rosalind's golden hair.

"Yes, she is indeed," he replied. "And now it is time for you to leave."

Gerda looked away from her baby, shocked at his words.

"What an odd thing to say," Gerda spoke slowly, caution welling within her. "Whatever do you mean?"

Lord Theodoric looked impatient.

"I mean, stupid girl," he told Gerda disdainfully. "That you are no longer required. My wife is barren and I needed a child."

Here he paused and glared at little Rosalind who obliviously sucked her thumb.

"Truly, I needed a son," he continued, turning with a dismissive flick of his wrist. "But the child will do until I find another girl to carry my son. You, obviously, are deficient."

Gerda stood still as the statues in the courtyard. Theo had only used her for a child? And now she was to leave but he wanted Rosalind. He would take her baby from her?

Lord Theodoric closed the distance between them, reaching for little Rosalind. Gerda held tight to her daughter, even as her back bumped against the wall.

Out of pure desperation, Gerda fumbled for anything to defend her baby with. Her hand connected with something cold and heavy. Without another thought, Gerda swung the object – a metal fire prod. The prod connected with Lord Theodoric's temple. The man cried out in pain, clutching at his left eye.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Gerda ran with Rosalind as fast as she could, ignoring any servants or guards that asked her questions. She did not stop running until her feet were beyond sore, her legs were aching as much as her chest and her muscles had passed so far through exhaustion that she no longer felt them.

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