Cory made me promise him, that no matter what happens, nothing will change between the two of us when we start school. Sure, I would love for everything to stay the same, but I can’t keep these feelings to myself anymore. And I knew right then I probably should have been telling him everything but I couldn’t bring myself to do so, our friendship would have been on the line.

Even before I decided to make the promise to him a thought occurred to me; if Cory was making me promise him something like this then it probably meant that he honestly doesn’t want things to change. Which also means that he doesn’t like me if he’s content with the way things are now.

A frown inches its way onto my face at the memory of that, and the thoughts they bring on. Just when you think you’re ready to take the next step, it all comes crashing down with just a few, simple words. I can’t believe I almost told him, but I can’t bring myself to regret not telling him.

With a shake of my head I splash my face with a handful of cold water, waking myself up from my thoughts.

I strip down to nothing, so I’m standing there in my birthday suit and head into the shower, blasting the hot water and some cold water. A content sigh is out of my mouth before I can stop it when I make my way under the showerhead and I walk further under the water, just standing there for a few moments before I hear the bathroom door squeaking open.

I nearly groan, remembering I forgot to lock the door, despite my mother’s rule about locked doors in the house. It has something to do with not being able to reach the person inside the room if something happens. I don’t know but it’s crazy if you ask me.

“Sorry man, but I really need to pee,” Cory says as I stick my head out to see exactly who entered.

Ducking my head back into the shower, I curse myself out even more. I’m completely naked with Cory only a few feet away from me. I can’t believe this is happening, and I know it’s not something to get overly nervous about but I can’t help it. What’s worse is that I can’t even remember if the shower curtain will show the outline of my body or not, or if it’s see-through on the outside.

There isn’t even stopping Cory when he needs to pee; he tends to get a little edgy and jumpy. It’s very funny, unless you take him on a road trip and he ends up needing to pee. “It’s alright,” I mutter, more nervous I have ever been in my entire life.

The only sounds sounding is the water cascading down my body and onto the shower floor and Cory sighing happily, like he’s had to hold that in for days.

He’s really weird.

To occupy myself from my thoughts of Cory being in the same bathroom with me, I grab the Head and Shoulders bottle and squeeze some onto my hands so I can wash my hair. Occupying myself with leathering up my hair was ideally working, right up until Cory flushes the toilet and turns the tap for the sink on, at the same time.

You see, my bathroom does this thing where if you turn on the tap on, flush the toilet, and have the shower on at the same time, only cold water comes out. I figured this out the day Vincent was taking a shower and I was brushing my teeth and accidently ending up flushing the toilet. It was funny watching him shriek like a little school girl at the sudden rush of cold water but to have it done to me is probably the worst feeling because I’m almost 100% sure I screamed louder than Vincent did. Add that to the soap making its way into my eyes and you have a catastrophe.

“Oh my gosh, Carson, are you okay in there? Do you need help or something?” Cory asks, worry evident in his voice, though I can hear a slight snicker to his voice, as if he’s trying to hold in his laugh. I wouldn’t even be remotely surprised if he is.

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