10 - Raspberry Swirl

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about it Daisy." Mike reassured. "It's just a matter of days. Soon everyone will forget anything even happened here."

"I guess you're right." Daisy said, giving Mike a soft smile. No matter how much she tricked her heart in pretending she hated Mike, she knew the only person who could make her feel good in any situation was him.

Just as Raine was about to speak, she heard a dinging noice come from her phone. A blush made it's way onto her cheeks as she saw Xavier's name appear on the screen.

"I wonder who that is?" Daisy teased, giving her a suggestive smile. All the while, Mike just kept a hard face.

Shaking her head, Raine ignored the glances that Daisy was giving her and opened up the message.

Xavier Thorn >> Good morning Raine. Happy first day back at work. I'll try my best to stop around sometimes but I do have a lot of meetings lined up. Be careful and stay safe.

The blush on her face deepened as Raine reread the text over again. By this point, Raine was surely convinced that all the stories about Xavier being a coldhearted man were clearly false. In fact, Raine hadn't met any guy who was this caring, ever before in her life. Smiling, she responded.

Raine Woods >> Thank you Xavier. Don't worry about me, work's more important. :)

With that being said, Raine silenced her phone and set it back on the counter top. She looked back up at Daisy who was still smirking as she took the empty trays to the back of the kitchen.

After a couple of minutes, the flow of customers increased and Mike and Raine were on the rolls taking and filling orders. Even though Raine was still recovering, she gave her all to make sure that her work was done perfectly.

"Delivery for Cathy's!!" A man in a brown uniform shouted from the glass doors of the cafe. Today was delivery day to shock up on supplies and ingredients for the rest of the week.

"I'll meet you in the back." Mike said as he untied his apron. "Raine keep an eye on the register. I'm gunna unload the stuff."

"Yup! I've got it!" Raine said placing a cup of coffee on an elderly man's table.

Just as Raine was retreating, a familiar car rolled up in front of the glass doors. Raine's heartbeat began to pick up as she saw the black door of the vehicle open. However, instead of the man she was waiting for, someone else walked out.

Making her way behind the register, Raine put up a bright smile as her eyes meet Jordon's.

"Hey Jordon! Nice seeing you here today!" Raine said to Jordon as he presented her with a warm smile of his own.

"Hello Raine." Jordan said. "Mr. Thorn has sent me here to fetch some coffee. I supposed you can help me out with that."

"Sure thing! One black, no sugar coming right up!"

"Oh and he mentioned something about a raspberry loaf or something? He told me you would know about it." Jordon said trying to recalled Xavier's request.

"The raspberry swirl?" Raine asked, remembering when she had suggested it to Xavier a couple of days back.

"Yes. Mr. Thorn has requested that to go along with the coffee."

"You got it! I'll have that out in just a bit!" Raine said in a cheerful manor. Her personality was so bright that even Jordon couldn't resist the urge to smile.

"He has sent his apologies. Unfortunately he was missing from work for a couple of days and he has a handful of meetings to attend. He was disheartened that he could not come here to see you on your first day back at work."

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