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(I will put a ⚠️ when it starts and ends)
Rey's POV
We go up the elevator in silence, knowing what is going to have to happen when we get to the top. Kylo had two full bottle in his hands, one champagne and the other straight vodka.
Maybe she should just get drunk, it will save all the awkwardness.
'Kylo' I say. 'Hmm' he replied and looked round at me. 'I think I want to get drunk after all' I tell him. 'Okay, wait till we get up to the floor' he tells me and I look up at the lift number. Only a few more floors.
The elevator pinged and we both went out the doors and into our own top floor. I went over to the window that overlooked all around the hotel tower, it was beautiful. I felt a tap on the shoulder and turned to see Kylo holding a glass of champagne out to me. Let's just get this over with, shall we.
I take it from his hands and begin to drink, first just sips and then massive gulps. In no time at all we had finished the bottle and started on the vodka. It tasted horrible on its own but we had to get drunk fast and diluting it with something else would take more time as we would have to go and get some sort of juice.
We took shots and I started to feel a little too hyper and was unable to think straight.
I looked over at Kylo who looked like a god and was coming over towards me. He took a hold of my face and smashed our lips together. When he pulled away he said 'you look so fucking beautiful, but probably better with no clothes on'.
3rd person POV
Kylo picked Rey up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her over to the bed and lay her down on it. She kicked off her shoes and so did he.
He leaned over her and kissed her neck, she moaned loving the feeling. He then kissed her lips and ended up straddling her so he flipped it so she was on top of him. Rey quickly took the headpiece she had on off and chucked it on the floor but it didn't break.
'Your so beautiful' he tells her and unzips the back of her dress and slides it off so she was only in her under garments. She kissed him and pulled him up so that he was sitting and then he flung off his suit jacket as she unbuttoned his shirt and chucked it off into the distance.
They did this till eventually they were both completely nude. Kylo was rock hard against Rey's inner thigh as he kissed all over her neck and face. He flipped her over so he was on top of her. He lined himself up to her entrance and pushed in. She squeezed out in pain, it was her first time and he was massive.
'Shh shh shh, it's okay. I got you, the pain will be gone in a minute' he told her and placed a long kiss on her lips.
He then started to move slowly, and Rey's pain started to become pleasure as she started to moan. He started to pound into her harder, grunting and moaning as he did so.
'You're so fucking tight and it feel sooo good' he said and she moaned. He picked up the pace and she started to moan his name over and over.
'This feels amazing, I love your cock' she said and put her arms round his neck and fingers into his hair. She stared to clench down on him as she felt her orgasm coming closer and closer.
'I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna fucking cum!' He shouted as his pace became sloppy and he shot cum deep into her as she had her pleasure. She was still shaking from her orgasm when he fell on top of her in a sweaty mess. He kissed her neck and noticed that she had fallen asleep under him.
He didn't even bother pulling out of her, he just lay his head on her shoulder and put his arms around her. He fell asleep.

Rey's POV
I woke up the next morning covered in sweat and it was all sticky around my thighs. I also realised that he was still inside me and his naked body was over mine as he slept.
I become bright red, embarrassed about the situation I was in. I tried to move from under him and get him out of me but he was too heavy.
I decide that I was going to go back to sleep as it was very early and let him get really embarrassed when he wakes up. I close my eyes and fall asleep surprisingly quickly.
Kylo's POV
I was in a bedroom and Rey was there too, except her stomach was enormous, she was pregnant.
Tears were streaming down her face and she was shaking her head. 'How could you lie to me like that?' She sobbed. I wasn't in control of what I was saying and doing, I walked over to her. 'I didn't want to do this, at first I was just thinking about myself when I agreed but now I don't want to go through with it. Don't you see? I'm in love with you and I don't want to rule the galaxy anymore, I just want you and our child' my dream self said.
She shook her head, more tears falling from her eyes. 'You're lying! You're just wanting the child so you can turn it dark like you, you don't care about me. You just want me around to look after the baby and once that was done, you were going to kill me. That's what Hux told me' she cried.
'Why do you believe him? He's lying to you because I said I didn't want to go forward with the plan!' My dream self explained.
'I don't believe you' she said and started to run from the room and my dream self followed after. We ended up in a forest, like the last dream. In fact, this was identical to the last one.
And the same thing happened again, I was held down and put in force cuffs while she was cut open and the baby's were taken out of her. Except in this one, I wasn't allowed to say goodbye to her. I was dragged onto the ship and she cried out for someone. I was Ben chucked into a cell as the ship took off.

I woke up sweating and panting, and then I realised that I was on top of the girl from my dreams, that I was still inside her. I go red and pull out of her.
We are both completely naked and I can still remember all that happened last night, even though I was drunk. I decide to get up and go to the bathroom, have a shower and put some clothes on.
I then go through to a different room and try to forget these dreams. I somehow think they are force dreams, and are telling the future on what could happen or will happen. That gets me really worried and also confused. I'm going to fall in love with her?
I'm not lying when I say that o can believe that i will fall in love with her, I already partly am in love with her but I will never tell her that. Not yet anyway.

Words- 1276
This was my first ever smut and I will not write smut for a while after this. It felt weird writing it and I had to read some in order to know what to write. It's not the best but it's the best I can do for now and I don't want to go into a lot of detail when writing it.
Thank you for reading! Please bot and comment what you thought and any advice you have for me!
-Grace xx

Thank you for reading! Please bot and comment what you thought and any advice you have for me!-Grace xx

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