chapter 18

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Lucys p.o.v

While i was playing with bella inside someone knocked on the door so i went to open it "hi im skyler jonah invited me"she said "oh come on in then" i said i lead her to the back garden were jonah was "hey skyler" jonah said then they went inside and started talking aspen didnt know so i decided to tell her "hey aspen can i talk to you for a second?" "Sure" she said "um...aspen jonah invited some girl her name is skyler what happened between you to i thought it was going great?" "Thats what i thought to...." she said tearing up "you wanna spend the night and mine and megans place?" "Sure" she said

It was getting pretty late and jonah and skyler were still talking you could hear them laughing at each other and could tell aspen was getting more and more upset and angry "hey guys its late im gonna head home" i said "im coming" aspen and megan said "text me when you get home princess" jack said kissing me "sure thing avery" i said walking out the door we drove home and set up a little cozy area to watch netflex in my room

It was getting pretty late and jonah and skyler were still talking you could hear them laughing at each other and could tell aspen was getting more and more upset and angry "hey guys its late im gonna head home" i said "im coming" aspen and megan ...

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After setting up megan went to get popcorn and stuff while i texted jack

Princess😍👑: im home now baby

Babe💖: ok princess💖 this  skyler girl wont leave and jonah and her are making so much noise no one can sleep😴

Princess😍👑: you and the boys can come round were watching movies?💙

Babe💖: on my way already with the boys😉💜 cya in a bit babe💕

Princess👑😍: ok baby💙

"Hey guys the boys are comming over because jonah and skyler are making so much noise" i said "oh ok that ok.." aspen said a bit sad "girl dont worry about jonah he doenst deserve you your so much better then that skyler girl" megan said making aspen feel better the boys cane into the room because i gave them a spear key "were here!" They yelled me and the girls laughed  "lets take pictures" zach screamed here are the pictures i we posted on instagram

" aspen said a bit sad "girl dont worry about jonah he doenst deserve you your so much better then that skyler girl" megan said making aspen feel better the boys cane into the room because i gave them a spear key "were here!" They yelled me and th...

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578,000 likes 1000 comments

Seaveylucy: sleepover time🤗💕

Photocreds📸: @zachherron
Tagged:@aspenloffler @itsmegan @jackavery @zachherron @seaveydaniel @corbynbesson

User1: what about jonah?

User2:^^ why is jonah not there?

Zachherron: finally someone gave me photo creds!

Jackavery: this movie is making me cry🙁💜

Itsmegan: ^^jack were watching finding dory?!

Jonahmaris: were was my invite?

Aspenloffler: ^^you were spending time with your new girlfriend😑

User5: ^^ please dont fight!!

Seaveylucy disabled comments

[Texts between aspen and jonah]

Jonah: what do you mean new girl friend?!

Aspen: i mean your were to busy with skyler you didnt even talk to me once how do you think that made me feel huh?!!

Jonah: im sorry that i havent seen my best friend in how many years?

Aspen: were done jonah

Jonah: aspen please no
Read at 9:15

Jonah: common aspen i didnt mean what i said!
Read at 9:17

Aspens p.o.v

After that i stopped looking at jonahs texts and what he said really hurt me i mean he didnt even talk to me once

Lucys p.o.v

Everyone was asleep now exept jack "why are you still up baby?" He asked "i dont feel good jack" i ran to the bathroom jack came in and held my hair back and rubbed my back "lets get you into bed your not feeling well babe" he said "ok" i replied we both got into my bed and cuddled and he didnt even care if i was sick "i love you" i said "i love you more" he said smiling then kissed me on the fore head and we both driffted of to sleep.

The next morning

I woke up and no one was there only bella sleeping on the end of my bed i decided to go down stairs i was still feeling bad but no one was there either then i saw a note on the counter in the kitchen it said

Hi baby we have just gone to get some stuff for today and food for you we will be back shortly so stay in bed until we get home you were breathing very heavy last night and kept coughing if you need anything call me ok love you xxx


I read the bote then went up to bed and fell asleep again i woke up 20 mins later by bella licking my face "why hello bella" i said laughing then i got a call from jonah

Jonah: hey i heard you were sick im coming over

Lucy: yeah i am but i dont wanna get you sick to..

Jonah: your my baby sis so im coming over now cya in a bit

Lucy: ok fine big bro cya in a bit then

10 mins later jonah knocked on the door i went and opended it and he came and hugged me then we sat on the sofa watching a movie 1 hour later i fell asleep amd i gess jonah brought me up to bed then went back to watching a movie down stairs

Then the others walked in "what are you doing here jonah?"aspen asked "here to see my sick best friend" he replied "whatever" she replied then went up stairs to my bed room i woke up and sat up "you feeling any better" she asked " a little is jonah still here?" I asked "yeah why is he here?" "He said he wanted to come se if i was ok because hes like a big brother to me" i replied "im sorry that you had to see him" i said "its fine i would have to talk to him someday.."

Wow so many words 984 wow anyway cya next chapter nuggets and go check out my other story called intagram jack avery hope you like it!!

Peace out nuggets✌

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