The taste of having a crush = candied haw

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(above is the cast that I handpicked!!😆 do you guys like it ? Comment & let me know!)xoxo

Lin Ke Song's heart sank. She didn't even leave for that long ah! Where did he disappear to?

"Boss! That pretty good looking guy, blind guy, he was just standing here, do you know where he went to?"

"Oh, I saw him cross the road, to the other side!"

"He...... crossed the road himself?"


"Seriously doesn't want his life anymore!" Lin Ke Song hurriedly rode to the other side.

There was a row of stationery shop and whatever other shops opposite. Lin Ke Song searched each shop but still could not find him.

Her back was sweaty with anxiety.

What on earth ah! Didn't she tell him to stay where he was to wait for her! Cross what road by himself! Move around for what!

He's even lost his phone, how to reach him ah!

"Wait right here" doesn't he understand these three words ah!

Lin Ke Song asked all the shops once through, anxiously wondering if she should report to the police, finally, a small shop owner said to her: "The person you're looking for seems to have gone to that whatever Mufeng café!"

Li Ke Song almost knelt in gratitude to the shop owner.

She hurriedly rushed to the café, leaned the bike at the entrance and rushed upstairs in a few steps.

After looking round, she saw a frosty, indifferent and composed as a fridge Mr Jiang sitting near the window.

His always clear and handsome face, intricate to the extent of being unable to find any flaw in his features, the sunlight slanted, falling on the tip of his nose, surfacing a sense of warmth.

Even with his alienating indifference, it couldn't make people displeased, but gave a sense of mystery.

In front of him was a cup of lemon water.

Jiang Qian Fan picked the cup up, and took a sip, so proper till it was like, in his universe, Lin Ke Song was like air.

That anger of Lin Ke Song ah, was like a rocket about to launch in to the sky.

She sat down in front of Jiang Qian Fan with all her might, supressing her anger and said: "Didn't I ask you to stay where you were? Why did you end up here?"

Jiang Qian Fan's expression was like he did not think he did anything wrong at all.

"I don't like the smell of smelly tofu."

Lin Ke Song rolled her eyes to heaven, and thought, and I don't like you ah!

"Then what if I can't find you?"

"You will definitely find me."


"For the 1000USD tour guide fees for the day"

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