Chapter 2

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As it turned out, things were not going to be great from here on out, seeing as Joey had recently created a monster, but nothing bad has happened as of yet. At the moment, you were in your office, drawing a small animation of Bendy and Alice, as an idea of a short that could be put in the show. Not like Mr. Drew would put your idea in the show, but seeing as how he loved your portfolio when you were being hired a few weeks ago, it was a possibility. Concentrated on your work, you continued the short. It was about Bendy and Alice at the park, fighting over who would get to have a picnic with Boris. Of course, Bendy was being his usual mischievous self, as to try to ruin Alice's determination to have the picnic, but the Singing Angel wasn't giving up that easily. You giggled at the little scenes you were drawing, as the Bendy and Alice feud had always entertained you. Usually Bendy was pulling pranks on Alice, while she tried to use her Angelness to offend and try to make him leave her alone. Some others thought that Bendy and Alice would make a nice couple, but you honestly couldn't see Bendy and Alice together. They hated each other too much. After finishing the short, you began another one, this time with just Bendy. He was putting on a show for humans, and he was wearing a cute little tutu. You felt as if Bendy had a love/hate relationship with his little tutu, even though he was just a cartoon character. You had loved watching Bendy cartoons when you were younger, and it was your dream to become a part of the studio where the cartoons were made. Sure, Bendy and Friends wasn't as popular now as it was when you were young, but people still liked it nonetheless, because it was one of the few cartoons kids had to watch these days. When you were younger, Bendy was the only cartoon there was to watch. Once again getting immersed in your work, you hadn't noticed that someone was knocking on your door until they opened it and yelled.

"Hey, Y/n! It's time for lunch break! Didn't you hear me calling through the door?" Suzie's angelic, yet sometimes annoying, voice rang through the small office, and you jumped in surprise at her sudden appearance.

"I-it is? Oh, I'm sorry, here I come!" You exclaimed, scrambling around your table to get your lunch bag and whatnot. In your rush to get out of the room, you accidentally knocked down the half done sketch of Bendy in a dance pose, onto the floor. You looked back and was going to pick it up, but Suzie grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the room with her, beaming.

"Come on! You can pick it up later, we've gotta meet Henry!"

"But-" You took one last glance back at the drawing, before the door to your office closed behind you.


It was lunch break, and no one was within the walls of the silent animation studio. Save for the sounds of the still on projectors, their gears clicking away, the hum of the ink machine, and the buzz of the lightbulbs in the ceiling lamps. As well as a... Metallic clanging? Deep in the basement of the studio, one living being still remained, hunched over a metal table, clanging and banging away at whatever it is he was working on. After seemingly a few more fixes and adjustments to the... Thing.. Joey sat straight, sighing and smiling, wiping the ink from his hands and face on his white artists apron. A bit more ink than usually seen on his apron wouldn't be suspicious. He'll just say he's working on a project. In a way, he is, except that project was just finished. His brown eyes staring down in pride at his creation, he grinned.

"You're finally complete..."

At the sound of his name, pitch black eyes opened, and the studio was plunged into darkness.

{After Lunch}
You walked in the studio with Suzie and Henry, and as soon as you stepped foot into the building, you got a shiver down your back. There was something wrong here, and you didn't like it one bit. But you decided not to point it out to your colleagues, in case this feeling was just a false alarm. After mingling around with your two friends for a while longer, you all retreated back to your previous activities, Suzie practicing her lines for this week's episode, Henry animating something for next week's episode, and you working on some shorts. Walking down the semi-long hallway to your office, you got that strange feeling once again. The lights flickered, and you shuddered, becoming alert and a little frightened when the bulbs dimmed. Not a lot, but just enough to make shadows dark enough to where anything could hide in them. The studio was already usually dark, with the little amount of ceiling lights placed around. It was only lighter in the lower areas of the studio, so it made the upper parts of the studio just that much creepier. Your pace quickened, and you strode towards your door, feeling like something was watching you. As soon as you stepped into the little office and shut the door behind you, a sigh escaped your pink lips, your (h/c) hair falling around your shoulders as you leaned against the door. (E/c) eyes flicking around your office for anything suspicious, you noticed that the drawing you had dropped earlier wasn't there anymore. You shrugged it off, guessing that maybe Wally had been in here cleaning up while everyone else was off to lunch. You could just find it again. Standing straight, you walked over to your desk and slumped in the chair, sighing and running a hand through your hair, already stressed and ready to return home tonight. As your eyes landed on your desk, you noticed that the drawing from earlier was there, placed neatly in the middle of your desk, all the other papers organized and pushed to the side. It had been finished, though it looked like it was a different style than your own. Your heart beat faster, you knew that this couldn't ve been Wally, he doesn't know how to draw. You quickly looked around your room once more, searching for anyone who may have been hiding in there. There was no one, it was silent. Actually, a little too silent. The lack of noise was sending repeated chills up your spine, and you reached over and turned on your little radio, keeping it on a low volume, but loud enough as to where you felt better about something, anything, breaking that silent blanket that had suddenly been placed over your office. You pushed the finished drawing to the side and prepared to make more, when you noticed something else off. As you reached towards your little cup on the edge of your desk where your pencils, pens, and markers were usually held, you noticed that none of your pens were there.

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