Chapter 10

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Your eyes slowly opened, the (e/c) irises shining in the pale moonlight streaming through your window. It was night, like, the middle of the night. You had no clue why you were awake at this time. Sitting up, stretching and yawning, you stood from your bed and padded into the bathroom. Staring in the mirror at your reflection, you took a brush to your bed head and started combing through the (h/l) (h/c) locks. After going through your morning ritual of bathing and changing into your clothes, you made your way downstairs, preparing to make yourself some breakfast. You had the day off work today, so you could make some pancakes for yourself. As you did so, you noticed the letter that you had picked up yesterday sitting on the counter, and you cocked an eyebrow.

"I don't remember placing this here.." You spoke aloud, to no one in particular. Shrugging it off, you simply picked up the envelope and began to open it. Your eyes scanned over the first sentence.

"Dear (Y/n)," You didn't get to read the rest, as your attention snapped back to your pancake. You flipped the food before it burned and put the letter down, opting to read it when your breakfast wasn't in danger of charring. After your pancakes were complete and you had placed them on a plate and sat at your kitchen table, you looked back at the letter.

"Dear (Y/n),

If you are reading this, you've successfully received my letter! I'm sorry for yelling at you all those years ago, please, won't you visit me in the studio?

Sincerely, Joey Drew." Your eyes narrow at the content of the letter. Why would Joey be contacting you? After all these years? Sighing and shrugging it off, you made a decision to go. After all, you missed the studio. Who knows, maybe you'd see Bendy and the others again. It didn't take long for you to get ready, and after a couple of minutes, you had grabbed your purse, your keys, and had set off to your car. As you started the engine, you took one last look up at your house. You didn't know why... but you felt like you wouldn't see it again for a while. You sighed. Well, at least you didn't have any pets to take care of. And with that, you drove off.

The trip to the studio was the same amount of time it always had been, though somewhere in your gut, you felt like you'd gotten there too fast. Like you should really be careful with how you approached this place. Too bad you weren't listening, and were instead knocking on the door, calling out to Joey.

"Hellloooo? Joey? It's Y/n! I got your letter!" After a couple minutes of the door not opening, you sighed in frustration. Luckily, you knew all of the studio's tricks. Grumbling to yourself, you moved around to the side of the building, where a row of withering and dying plants sat. Hopefully it'd still be here. Walking up to the third plant in the row, you crouched down and stuck your hand into the dirt, twisting it to the side a little. As you did that, you felt something solid scrape against your hand. Grabbing the thing, you pulled your hand out to reveal a small silver key in your grasp.

"Yep, still there." You did a little victory cheer in your head as you walked back to the front door, inserted the key into the lock and pushed it open. Almost immediately, the smell of musk, dust, and ink hit your nose. Your face crumpled and you groaned as you entered the studio. Beneath your feet were dried puddles of ink and stained and creaky floorboards. There was also a draft, and it felt kind of cold. You were honestly glad for your outfit. Long black jeans and a (f/c) sweater over a (s/fc) t shirt? With matching (f/c) combat boots? Even though it was lowkey hot outside? Absolutely genius. Good job Y/n. You made your way through the studio, looking at the sort of familiar decorations on the walls and pillars. Joey had seemed to redecorate a bit in your absence, but it was whatever. As you explored, you discovered that there were plenty of tape recordings and other strange items around. As you examined and listened to every one, you discovered bits and pieces of what Joey had been doing after you left.

My Lil Devil- Bendy x Fem!ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora