Gollum? Part 3

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Your POV

You were restless.

You and the group had continued walking and stopped to rest, but you couldn't. You couldn't sleep, eat, or even think without Bilbo.

You miss his smile and the way he would chat with you. You missed him..you really did.

You were sitting out, as it was your turn for watch as the others slept. You looked at the sky until you heard a small plop next to you.

You looked over to your right and saw Thorin. You gave him a small smile and turned your head in front of you.

"You miss him..don't you?"

You looked down at your feet and nodded. He gave you a sad smile.

"I know..it'll be hard...He'll be alright, Lassy. If it makes you feel better we will try to look for him in the daylight."

You smiled at him as he lay his hand on your lower back and around your side. You didn't see it as anything until he scooted too close to you.

You looked into his eyes as he looked back into yours. He had a warm smile on his face. He glanced down at your lips and back into your eyes as he started to lean closer to you.((STUPID AUTHOR YO-.....wait..))

This isn't good..

Bilbo's POV

I had stopped running and took the  breath I greatly needed. I looked around at my surroundings and noticed I was in some sort of cave. I walked around, hands in my pocket to make sure the ring was still there.

Just then I heard the Gollum creature screech behind me. Out of instinct, I backed up against the wall and put on the ring. My breath hitched as my heart beat raced.

I watched as it crawled past me, sniffing the air. It looked directly at me, before walking away.. confused, I slowly follow it.

It turns around multiple times, but still doesn't see me. Hah! It's leading me right out of here!! As it reaches the end, it does a full circle sniffing the air, then let's out a long loud cry.

I walked up to it, drawing out my sword. I looked upon the poor creature, sympathy swimming through me. I raise my sword in the air as I heard it's quiet cries.

I dropped my arm, still gripping my sword. I couldn't kill the creature, I already have harmed it enough, even if not physically. I then leaped over Gollum's head and ran out of the cave.

I kept running until I ran into two goblins. They looked at me..th-they looked at me? 'Uh oh..the ring must have slipped off!!' I quickly dig in my pocket for the ring as the two goblins  rushed towards me.

As I slipped the ring back and and dodged the goblins, they looked around confused. I ran into the light of day, as they cannot go out in, and caught my breath.

I then, begun my search for my friends.

Your POV

As Thorin leaned closer, you reached your hand out to his chest to stop him.


"Y/N...I need to tell you something, but I am not sure what to say. I was...I...I think I love you Y/N...you are so beautiful and make me smile. I wish to ask you to be mine.."

Your heart then tightened.

"Thorin...I...I can't, I apoligize but I...am in love with someone else.."

His face drooped as you could see his heart break.

"Its...that hobbit, Bilbo...isn't it..?"

Your eyes widened at how he guessed it, although it could have been quite obvious..

He scoffed.

"Why? What is it that draws him towards you? The Hobbit..is just a weak little thing that..is a waste of breath.."

Anger filled you as you glared at Thorin, seeing the hatred in his eyes as he talked about Bilbo.

Gandalf then approached us.

"Thorin, Y/N, the other dwarves and I have discussed something. We want to go back and search for Bilbo. He is a great addition to our team and we must not leave him behind."

Thorin's rage made the air around him become hot..

"Why? What use is he actually to us? It would be better off if we left and did not waster another few hours searching for a usele-"

"THORIN! It has already been settled that we are to search for him!"

"It isn't wort-"


Everyone's attention looked to the left of where the sound came from. As you had done the same, you saw the long-ish curly hair, the small kind smile, and the nervous hand twiddling.



Hot tears threatened your eyes as you ran towards him, engulfing him in a warm hug..which he returned gratefully.

You hear Gandalf chuckle.

"Bilbo Baggins!! You're back, haha!"

You release Bilbo as he smiles.

"Yes, I am!"

Forbidden Love?  (Bilbo Baggins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now