I smile and lift my head up. The people start to divide, creating a path for me. I here whispers, I get looks but for the first time in a while I don't mind them one bit. I like them.
I reach the end of the path and find a single red rose laying on the floor. It's beautiful and just lays there, it's red petals contrast against the gold colored floor.

My eyes automatically tear up. Someone must have dropped it. It's a simple flower to most people, something you give to your date. I almost wish it could be that simple for me but now this one sight might be enough to wash all my makeup off.

It reminds me of Gale, of his mother, of Ryan and Tyler Daniels, of Grayson, of everything that has happened. It's overwhelming. It's so hard to move past it. It would be easier with Gale but he's gone and that's the worst part.

"Are you alright?"

I lift my head to face the stranger in front of me just as a single tear runs down my face. "Yea. . . It's nothing."

I quickly wipe the tear away and realize that Gabrielle isn't around. I must have lost her in the crowd. The stranger is still in front of me so I suppose I should explain a bit more. I must seem strange to him. A girl shouldn't cry on her prom night.

"I just really miss my friend right now," I mumble while picking up the rose.

"She must have been very special," he says his voice deep yet soft.

I chuckle while stroking the petals. "He. He was very special. This rose just reminded me of him. I wish he was here right now."

"What if he was? What would you say to him?" Now, my interest is peaked. I take a good look at this guy. He's worth noting. It's very kind of him to check up on me.

He's wearing a tux. He's taller than me and maybe a bit older. The beginning of a beard rests on his face and black hair seems to be effortlessly styled. Something like a smile is fighting it's way onto his lips.

He's handsome. Gorgeous.

"I would tell him-" My words fail.

This stranger's eyes. . . their blue. Not like the sky, a deeper shade. It holds pain and love that go farther than the ocean. They hold kindness. They hold warmth. They hold human compassion. They hold familiarity. They hold my eyes in their embrace.

My heart falls to my stomach. My breath catches. His name, his beautiful name, falls from my lips.


He smiles big, like he was waiting for me to say it. "Yes."

But the Gale I knew died. The spell never broke. I'm wonderstruck. I step forward and touch his hair, run a finger over his cheek. I don't feel the bumpy lines that use to be there. Instead, there's smooth healthy skin.

A laugh escapes my mouth.

"It really is you. . ." I can't contain myself. I almost already missed the chance before. I won't miss it again. Apparently, he's thinking the same thing.

His lips meet mines for a sweet kiss. It feels like home.

"Belle, I lost you for a-" I pull away to see Gabrielle grinning. "Oh, I see you've found him. Nevermind, carry on."

"You knew?" I ask, feeling a twinge of betrayal.

"I found out this morning," she says strolling closer to us. "I saw him at a tux shop and recognized him."

My head spins. "Wait, so Gale knows about you being an enchantress now?"

She nods folding her hands in front of her. "I told him everything."

"And no hard feelings," Gale adds, lifting a shoulder.

"He asked me to keep it to myself. He wanted to surprise you tonight."

"But I don't get it. How are you here?" The image of Gale in that burning building and the sound of it exploding plays in my mind. "The last petal fell and you. . . you died."

I sniffle. Gale catches my face in his hands.

"The last petal did fall but at the same time as the curse broke. The building didn't explode because of the fire. That was the curse breaking." My mind slowly begins to piece it all together.

"It was awesome, Belle! I was transforming back into my normal human self and there were these bright lights shooting out of me and all these magical things in the air!" He explains making big hand gestures and exaggerated facial expressions.

I laugh at his boyish-ness. "That's great but what broke the curse?"

Gabrielle gasps beside me, her eyes widening. I can practically see the light bulb hovering over her head. "Gale, what did you do right before the curse broke? You saved Grayson! You didn't have to. In fact, you could have let him die, he was trying to kill you. But you didn't. That was selfless and to break the curse you had to perform an act of selflessness!"

Gale blushes. "It was kind of selfless. . . wasn't it?"

The rose in my hand reminds me of something I hadn't thought of. Before I can ask it Gale answers reading my mind.

He reaches into his tuxedo's jacket pocket and pulls out a folded newspaper. He opens it, displaying the front cover story.

40 Thought To Be Dead Criminals Found In Garden: No One Knows How They Got There. Not Even Them!

Gale's old rose garden of criminals must have turned back into humans once the curse broke.

"Does this mean that your mom is back?!"

Gale nods, eagerly. "It's why I didn't come to you instantly. I had to take care of some things."

"Oh my goodness! I'm so happy for you!" I can't help but hug him.

"I've gotten most things sorted out. Now, I need to sort things out with you," he says, his voice becoming serious.

I hear Gabrielle excuse herself as Gale gently takes my hand and leads me towards the dance floor. He rest his arms on my waist and rest mine around his neck. We fall into the same dance we did on the beach.

What does he want to tell me? My heart flutters nervously.

"Belle, you once told me that you wanted to travel the world. I thought that I wasn't going to be a part of that because of the curse but now that's it's broken. . ." He bites his lip, meeting my eyes shyly. "I sold the mansion and I was hoping you would. . . come see the world with me? We can go see the Eiffel Tower, the Grand Canyon, and the Amazon. . ."

Travel is something I've always wanted to do and since I missed senior year, I didn't get to apply to any colleges so what's holding me back? Nothing. I want to be with Gale and there isn't any curse that can get in the way of that.

"Yes," I declare. "I want to travel the world with you."

He smiles big and so do I. This is perfect. Not a happy ending but a happy beginning.

"I love you," he says tucking the rose behind my ear.

"I love you, too."

My story seems like something straight out of a fantasy novel but really this tale is as old as time. The tale of someone who overcame insecurities, doubts, abuse, and challenges. The tale of the beauty nestled deep inside every human being. The tale of how love, no matter the kind, can overcome anything. The tale of finding beauty.

Author's Note-


Love you all and thank you for reading my book!

Finding BeautyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon