[chapter fifteen]

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TODAY WAS THE DAY that I was going to have the breast reconstruction done on my chest. I hadn't been able to sleep the night before because of how excited I was for it to happen to me, thus I made Alesha not be able to sleep.

It was now after surgery and I was in the recovery room. Hollie, Azura, and Alesha were on their way to the room I was in so they could see me. Lexi couldn't see me on the day of the reconstruction because she had had a maths test and a science test that she couldn't miss school that day.

Lexi was going to be picked up by Alesha when school got out and Alesha would bring her to the hospital to see me.

"How do you feel now, babe?" Alesha asked as she came into the recovery room with Azura on her hip and Hollie walking by her side.

"Ask me in a couple of hours when the pain medication wears off," I joked, smiling at Alesha.

Hollie climbed into my bed and Alesha put Azura down beside me so she could sit down. Hollie and Azura cuddled up next to me, each girl putting her head on a shoulder.

"Show them what you can do now, 'Zura," Hollie urged.

Azura nodded her head and Alesha and I both looked at each other confused. Azura looked at Alesha and said, "mummy."

"She's talking!" Alesha said excitedly. Azura had been completely non-verbal from the age of two and hadn't spoken a word at all. She had barely even babbled as a baby.

She turned and looked at me before saying, "mama."

"Azura thinks she has two mums!" I said. Hollie beamed at Azura and I hugged her.

"I taught her the words," Hollie said proudly.

"You practically are her second mum, Amanda," Alesha said, giving me a hug.


I couldn't wait to see what I looked like underneath the bandage that was covering my chest. I had decided not to have my nipples reconstructed because I would've gotten no pleasure from them if Alesha and I made love. The nipples would've only been on me for cosmetic purposes so there was no need for them.

I had to wait though to see what I looked like until I healed enough to take off the bandage. I was planning on making Alesha wait to see what I looked like until we could make love again. I felt good now that I had breasts again and Alesha knew that it made me happy to have them again.

"When can I see what you look like without the bandage?" Alesha inquired when we were outside looking at the stars outside the hospital in the gardens. The kids were running around and I was sitting in between Alesha's legs as she played with my hair.

"When we make love for the first time and I'm determined to actually do it with you," I replied, tilting my head back so I could look at Alesha.

"Do I have to wait that long?" Alesha complained, making a smile appear on my face.

"Yes, you do have to wait that long, baby," I responded. "I am going to make you wait. We just have to be careful when I'm cleared by my doctor to make love again to you."

"We haven't made love in a long time. Since early March, I think," Alesha reminded me. "I want to see you sprawled out in bed with me giving you pleasure."

"I know and it's because I haven't felt sexy at all since the mastomecty happened. It'll take time, Alesha, and you have to be patient," I told her.

"I know and I'm content just to have our snogging sessions right now because it still means that we can be intimate with each other," Alesha responded to what I had said.

Our snogging had increased after our first date since my double mastectomy had been done. Even though we hadn't been able to go all the way that night, we still had slept naked and cuddled. We had been snogging each night until I had gotten the reconstruction done this morning.

Alesha braided my hair and I let a chuckle as the girls chased each other around the trees in the garden.

"Have you got any pain right now?" Alesha asked me as she played with my hair.

"A little but it's tolerable. Although the pain meds are starting to wear off right now," I replied.

"Do you want to head back in to bed and get more of your medicine?" Alesha questioned me, letting go of the section of hair that she had been playing with.

"Not yet," I answered. "I want to stay out here for a little bit. Then you and the girls can bring me back in and say goodnight to me."

"You know I'm going to miss cuddling with you at night for the next few nights?" Alesha questioned. "But we can cuddle during the day while I'm here without the girls."

"I know because I'm going to miss having you in bed with me every night," I replied. "Only if you could spend the night here with me if we both didn't have children."

"I like sharing our kids. Lexi's a lifesaver with Azura," Alesha commented.

Alesha picked the section of hair that she had been playing with back up and she started to braid my hair, placing a kiss on my forehead.

We had been snogging each night until I got the reconstruction done. We had been more intimate with each other since we had gone on the first date since my double mastectomy had happened.

"Remember that Hollie and Lexi are being picked up by their father after school at the gate and Azura has a field trip tomorrow," I told Alesha. "I was supposed to be a chaperone but now you have to."

"Yes, mum," Alesha joked, laughing. "I'll remember and I'll chaperone for the field trip tomorrow."


Hey guys! How sweet is Alesha in this chapter? I love writing moments like these for Amanda and Alesha because they're moments that can happen to anyone in real life. I try to write real life situations for my fanfiction as well as possible.

What do you guys think Alesha's reaction is going to be to seeing Amanda's scars when the bandage is removed? What do you guys think is going to happen next? I'll give you a hint, it involves David and Simon. Bye until the next chapter!

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