Chapter 4: My Friend, Raymond.

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“Ku? Can you hear me?”


“Ku I don’t want to be late for school”

Even in my dreams I hear my sisters pestering wails. So annoying!

“Ku don’t make me pour water on you”

Hahaha whoever heard of water wetting in dreams? My sister is such a comic kid…but why do I feel some coldness at my back…? Something is trickling! WATER! WTF!!

“Oh Christopher Columbus of Genoa!!!” I flew out of my bed.

“That serves you right” she eyed me and stomped out.

“When did my little sissy become such a nuisance?” I asked no one in particular but she answered anyway.

“When you started sleeping like a log!” She threw a soap and a towel at me. “Catch…and start marching to the bathroom.

“And a bossy one too” I eyed her.

 She only tapped her foot. “Get going Ku”

“Aye Aye Captain” I said with a twang in my nose and she giggled.

“Hot rice porridge with corn bread!”

“Mmm I love corn bread” I heard Ewura respond when I entered the kitchen.

Momma was already dressed and making breakfast.

I frowned. “When did you come in?”

“You don’t want to know…come and eat while is still hot” she placed down a bowl of rice porridge on the table.

I looked at her searchingly and decided against asking her the particular time.

 “I waited for you all night but you didn’t even come to kiss me goodnight” Ewura pouted.

“Forgive me honey belle. Momma had so much to do at work but today trust me, I’m coming home early to make you your favorite food for you ok” she smiled at Ewura and she nodded vigorously

I rolled my eyes. Kids could be fooled so easily. Of course she was lying.

“Kobby don’t tell me you’re missing breakfast” momma said.

“Coming…” he called.

“He’s still ironing his uniform” I said and ignored the fact that I actually made him iron mine first. “I don’t know why he dawdles so much with things you can do in a jiffy”

“Pass me the milk” Ewura asked me.

“You already poured a pint”

“Let my honey belle be please” momma said and beamed at Ewura. “You can have all you want ok”

Ewura nodded and I made a face. “Well i think she’s not going to have that time because is already 7: 15 and I can’t afford to be late” I wiped my mouth.

“Whoa, 7: 15 already?  Hurry let me drop you” she took her car keys. “Kobby?”

“Coming” he appeared buckling his belt

“You still have not taken your breakfast”

“I’m taking it to school” he said. “Kukua would you package my food for me?”

“What?” I blinked and narrowed my eyes at him. He was suppose to be serving me not me, him.

“Please” he winked.

I clenched my fist and stormed to the kitchen again. By the time I appeared, they were down the street waiting for me.

Wednesday mornings are normally good to start a day. The traffic was always light. Just a few puuh pee puuh of cars and we were at the main route to the school.

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