Chapter 1 ~

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(A\N~ Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoy my first book EVER!!!😊 Lots of love to you all and sorry if it sucks❤)

BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! My ears began to ring a bit after hearing my alarm blast out loud next to me. 'UGH! Another boring day of school. Why isn't it the weekend yet?! But at least it's a Friday'  I thought as I got and went to the bathroom. Getting up I stretched my arms while yawning, as I entered my bathroom, the walls had a tint of baby pink and white marble sink.

I had all my things prepared liked my outfit and towel, I turned the water on to my shower, and watched as the water slowly turned from cool to hot observing the steam rise from the floor. I feel the water run down my back and I took a deep breath of pure pleasure, feeling the warmth.

After I took a nice shower I began to do my make up, which was a nice natural looking makeup only applying blush, mascara, and a bit of eyeliner with a small wing. after I finished I put on my outfit I had chosen. I pick a white crop top, some grey loose sweatpants, and my white All-star Adidas. After I just pulled my hair up and did it in a lazy bun completing my casual look.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to make myself breakfast only to see a note from my mom on the kitchen table

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I went downstairs to the kitchen to make myself breakfast only to see a note from my mom on the kitchen table. 'Morning sweetheart. I am going to be coming late again so I made you dinner to heat up. I also made your lunch. Stay safe sweetie! Love- Mom'

I hate it when my mom always has to work overtime and she has to come home late all tired. she has been working overtime ever since my dad left us for some slut half his age. He first started to just leave the house late at night saying he was going to hang with "friends". Then he would disappear for a about week and come back not saying anything. When we finally found out he was cheating on my mom, we found him in a dark alleyway. We kicked him out and he didn't even apologize. I hate him for that.....

I finished my breakfast and grabbed my stuff including my lunch and left the house.  I got in my black Impala and started driving to school. My mom got me this car or my 16th birthday. My mom barely left work just to get me that car. 

I was driving to school when I got a text from my best friend. (DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE KIDSSSSS!!... its dangerous👌😁)

B\F\N~ Hey! Are you almost here?

Y\N~ Yes I'll be there in a bit hold  your titties!

B\F\N~ Okay see ya there!!!

I turned off my phone as I entered the parking lot to my school. I parked at the same spot as usual (the front of the school) and I saw B\F\N standing there with her phone. I got out and everyone started screaming as usual. All of my fanboys always wait for me by my parking spot so they can greet.

"Y\N I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!""YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL TODAY""I MADE A LUNCH FOR YOU" I heard the boys yelling while I just walked with my friend to the front door to the hall. I turned around and all the guys stopped and looked at me. There was a pause  of silence until I winked and blew a kiss at all of them. They immediately started to freak out pretend to faint. 'I am so awesome' I thought proudly as I walk away from them. Everyone kept saying nice things about me and I just went to my locker.

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