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I quietly slipped in between streets, picking off an apple here, some jewelry there. Glancing at my watch, I groaned in frustration.

Harry had told me to meet him at our usual spot at 6:30. Apparently, he had a surprise for me.

I hate surprises.

A familiar voice drifted its way over to me and I swiveled my head, trying to find the source. Curious, I pushed through a throng of people toward her voice, excitement leaping in the pit of my stomach. A strand of blue hair floated through the air toward me and I glanced in the direction it had blown from. Silencing my steps, I crept closer toward the alley the voice was drifting from. A smirk slipped onto my face as I thought of how scared she would be. I tensed as her shadow slipped over me, and at the same moment I realized she wasn't alone, I jumped.

My arms flew around her neck, separating her from the figure she was lip-locked with, and making her fall to the ground with a thud. The look of surprise that had flooded her face quickly paled and she turned a ghost white, glancing from me to him and back again.

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak. I couldn't think.

She was kissing him.

Evie was kissing Harry.

Betrayal flew through my veins like fire, causing my eyes to flicker like the flame that had been lit inside. Internally, I raged.

"Rip her throat out... Make her pay for stepping all over you.. She's trying to claim what's yours." The voices in my head slithered into my brain, plaguing every empty spot in my mind. I struggled to push them away but they kept coming back and I started shaking. I felt a hand touch my face gently and my gaze was turned onto the blue princess that currently stood in front of me. My eyes widened as the voices grew louder and suddenly, my hand was wrapped around her throat, slowly tightening.

"Make her pay.." They whispered in my ears and my grip grew tighter. A hand quickly wrapped around my hands and lips pressed into mine, causing me to release my grip and drop my hands.


His lips moved against mine but the usual sparks I felt everytime I kissed him were gone. I stood there, limp, as he became angrier, trying to get me to react. Finally, he released his hold on my lips, an murderous look in his eyes. Pushing me away, he stalked off, his hands shoved in his pockets. I held my breath until he was gone, barely feeling the light touch that had gone unnoticed on my shoulder. I could feel the panic rising in me as the alley grew dark and Evie being there didn't help. Everytime I closed my eyes to slow the panic racing in my chest, I saw her lips on Harry's.

Harry's lips on hers?

Tears flooded my eyes as I knelt to the ground, curling into a small ball. I could feel Evie shaking me, but I ignored her as I felt myself starting to rock. She quickly stepped back and let me have my space.

She knows what happens when people interrupt my attacks.

I couldn't breathe. My lungs were filling with fluid and I coughed, trying to spit it out. To my horror, blood slipped out of my mouth, slowly oozing down the alley way. I tried to shut my mouth but the blood kept flowing, flooding the streets with its metallic stench. I glanced up to see Evie float above me, her body bloated and her face extremely pale. I opened my mouth to let out a scream but I choked, blood quickly filling my lungs. My vision became blurry and I could barely make out the figure that stood over me, towering like a giant does to an ant.

And then it was black.

I slowly opened my eyes, the dull sunlight flooding my vision. A hiss escaped my mouth as my eyes automatically closed to the bright light. I struggled to prop myself up, feeling myself slip on the blue silk sheets. I eventually gave up, instead letting my fingers run over the smooth fabric.


Who has silk?

I racked my brain for the answer, but my memory was cloudy and I groaned in frustration, turning on my side. A sigh erupted from beside me and I froze, fear shooting through me.

Someone was sleeping on the other side of me.

Carefully, I turned back over, coming face to face with the last person that I wanted to see.


I tried lifting the sheets over myself, trying to slip out unnoticed but her arm twitched, wrapping herself around me unconsciously. I laid, stiff as a board, as Evie murmured in her sleep.

There was no way I could get out unnoticed. Letting a sigh escape, I sat, slowly admiring the features I had taken for granted.

Her forehead was smooth, free of wrinkles and her eyebrows blended perfectly. Her nose had a slight upturn to it, which I thought made her even prettier. My eyes quickly traveled to her lips and I had to restrain myself.

"She kissed Harry. Remember that." My thoughts whispered in my head and only Evie's piercing gaze knocked out of my state. I quickly looked away, fearing she had caught me staring.

But her eyes were soft and she reached a hand out, sleepily letting her fingers rest against my cheek. I relaxed a bit and glanced at her every once and a while, trying to gather the courage to ask her what happened between Harry and her. A pang of hurt hit me as the image of them, lip locked, flashed through my head. As the sun filtered through her clean window, I noticed her hair had been chopped short and that blood spotted the t-shirt she was wearing. Anger rose as I thought of countless ways her mother had hurt her this time.

I finally was able to slip out of bed and I grabbed the alcohol swabs Evie always kept on her nightstand. Slowly lifting her shirt, horror flowed through me as the jagged stitches stuck out painfully next to her porcelain white skin. The area surrounding the stitches was oozing with pus and had streaks of red curling like vines around it. I held my breath and slowly started to dab at the area, praying she didn't wake up.

I guess I didn't pray hard enough.

She lurched toward me, her eyes still closed, her fingers clutching at mine as she struggled to get away. I watched her, horrified. It was like she was stuck in a nightmare. She started muttering incoherent words as she finally gave up and collapsed back into her pillow.

I eventually finished cleaning her wounds and laid back down, wrapping an arm around her shivering body.

Who cares what Harry says?

Because I love her.

I let the words roll on my tongue as I whispered them. I was so preoccupied, I didn't realize she had turned toward me until her face was buried in my shoulder.

"I love you, too." It was barely even audible and I just caught it but excitement flooded my veins and I practically wanted to jump.

She loved me too.


I'm so so so sorry for the delay. I deleted this chapter three times before finishing and I don't even like it. So it'll probably be revised. Comment and vote!!!

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