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~~~~~~Evie's POV~~~~~~~

I felt Mal tense and I immediately sat up, wrapping my arms around her.

The nightmares were coming.

She jolted upwards, struggling against my grip. Her screams pierced my heart and my arms ached from the grip I had on her. The thought of letting go drifted through my mind but I pushed it away, shaking my head slowly.

I will not let what happened last time I let go happen again.

I could feel the panic settle into her as she reached the peak of her nightmares and she instinctively curled into a ball, slowly rocking. I put my chin on her shoulder, whispering incoherent words.

Just my voice calms her down.

She visibly relaxed but I cringed as a sob escaped her lips. I pulled her closer to me and sighed in relief as her breaths evened out. A small light flickered at the edge of my vision and my eyes widened.

The sun.

I slowly struggled up, trying not to wake Mal. My heart sunk as she whimpered and her hand snaked out to grab a fistful of my shirt. Sighing in defeat, I settled back down, praying my mother decided I could sleep in. A creak of the stairway decided differently.

My eyes widened and I shook Mal roughly, trying to wake the little sleeping dragon. She groaned and rolled over and suddenly, her bright blue eyes were staring into mine and every doubt I had about her disappeared. Her eyes were encrusted with sleep and she had drooled on my sheets but I didn't care.

She was here.

My door flew open and my mother stood in the threshold.

"Rise and shine sweetheart! We have a very busy day of prince hunting!" Her voice drawled.

I could feel my body start to freeze and I could see Mal struggle up, trying to see over my head. Frantically, I tried to push Mal out of view but it was too late.

"What. Is. This." Her voice leaked into my head and I could feel the disappointment leaking out of her tone. I cringed and stood up, shaking slightly. I could feel my mother's eyes raking over my messy hair and rubbed mascara, judging my every move.

"Mother, I-Its not what it l-looks like." My voice shook and I wanted to shrink into the shadows.

A stony silence fell over the room and I dared a glance at the Evil Queen, but quickly averted my gaze as her glare met mine.

"You will get a prince. You will get married. You will make me royalty!" Her voice rose with every sentence that flew out of her mouth and she roughly grabbed my hair. Pain exploded in my head and I cried out as she dragged me toward my mirror, forcing me to see the outcome of last night.

My eyes were bloodshot and puffy and tears stained my cheeks. Hours and hours of make up smudged, making my face look like a blender. I had dark circles under my eyes that were hidden by the leaky eyeliner and messy mascara. I stared in horror at the wild and frizzy blue hair that hung in uncut ringlets around my face. I gently moved my fingers through it, cringing every time my hand met a knot. I took a step back, my body colliding with my mother's. I sharply turned my head as she spoke, trying to process the meaning of the words she was spitting at me.

"You will learn to love men weather you like it or not. There is no room for this.... type of love on this isle." Her voice was cold with no hint of sympathy and she turned to Mal who had huddled in the corner of my room. "You will not step foot in this house ever again or I will see to it your mother finds out and you know exactly what'll happen." Mal's face paled and my heart sunk at the thought of what her mother had done to her in the past. My mother signaled to me that I had five minutes before slamming my door. I took a deep breath before turning to Mal. Her gaze caught mine and she tipped her head, showing that she understood.

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