CHAPTER 1: First Plans of Adventure

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(Hikou jumps off from a cliff)

Hikou: Wazooooooooooooom!

On Bill’s mind … “Sooner or later, this kid’s gonna know everything and will one day follow the path the world is expecting from him”


Hikou: Hey old man! See that!? I finally did it without the gliders!

Bill: Well, of course I did. Great jump by the way, it was a little plain but I think that was fine.

Hikou: Can we climb up again? I wanna try some stunts! I wanna do a double… triple… a quadruple… no… a quintuple 360s!!!

Bill: I told you, only 1 jump per week. This old man may still be strong but is not as agile as he is back then. Climbing back up that cliff will seriously end my life. And I don’t wanna spend another night on the way up there!

Hikou:  What a drama queen! Ok imma climb the cliff myself!

Bill: You serious ‘bout that? I’ve already told you countless times, kids like you shouldn’t be wandering off that place without a dependable adult on your side!

Hikou: We climbed it lots of times though we don’t have a dependable adult with us.

Bill: What do you think of me you idiot!? Do you mean I’m not dependable!?

Hikou: Of course, old geezers like you are someone people shouldn't depend on. And another thing, I’m already 13 years old and I’m not a kid anymore! And besides, I’ve been climbing that cliff for like a million times already!

Bill: Tell that to the million creatures we fought, struggled to kill and ate for dinner every time we went up there.

Hikou: OK fine, next week then you killjoy! (Epic Frown face)


The next day, Bill and Hikou went to the city to buy food and supplies and as usual as Bill goes to the underground market Hikou was left on the city triangle to wait. This has been their routine.

House, 20km walk to highway, truck ride to city, buy supplies from the city stores, go to city triangle…

Bill = to underground market, shopping for a 2 week supply (probably shopping takes 3-4hrs in duration)

Hikou = city triangle, look for Lilli, disturb her from what she is doing then listen to her stories until Bill returns

->Go Home

As they reach the city triangle, Lilli continues on telling her story about the exploits of Rowe Storke and Falkner Conrad (FalCon) as Bill goes buying supplies.

(Image of Bill entering the Dark Alley)

(Image of Underground Market)

(Page intended for Lilli, listed is her personality and special skills)

Lilli Otto, 15 years old, Female, talkative yet poised, enjoys doing man’s jobs(she works as a mechanic), adventurous and witty, great mechanic and a good artist.

Though they may not remember, Lilli first met Hikou when they were aged 5 and 3 respectively, but their first conversation was when Hikou was already 8 years old, when he was for the first time left in the city triangle to wait for Old Bill. Lilli saw Hikou and asked(seeing a child is alone in the heart of the city)why was he alone. And then they had a conversation, kaboom! automatic friends! the two became good friends to the point where every time they would meet, Lilli tells Hikou the famous adventure story of Hina’s journey. After 5 years (96 meetings and continuous story-telling), it finally came to the point where there’s no more story left as Lilli’s story-telling reached the end of Hina’s journey.

Hikou: If you’re saying every member of Hina was executed, how and where the hell does this entire story come from?  Was there someone in the crew who wrote every adventure they had on a journal? What happened to Storke’s son? Was he dead?

Lilli: I know for certain that not all crewmembers of Hina were executed, but that’s all you have to know. As my Uncle says “details are confidential!” Haha. And about Storke’s son, no one knows whether the child was alive or not. Most believe he’s already dead.

Hikou: What the …! As if I would know where those surviving Hina crewmembers are! Wait a minute, well maybe I do coz you’re not telling me! Is a Hina crewmember living here in the city?! Does your uncle know the surviving Hina members?!!!! Or is your uncle one of them!??!

Lilli: Will you stop with all these stupid questions? For 95 weeks, I’ve been answering your questions mister curious! I think, maybe, I now have the right to not answer this time. :P

Hikou: Ok, I’m gonna forget all your answers to my questions the past 95 weeks but please answer my questions now!

Lilli: Haha I’m never gonna say a word.

Hikou: Ok fine, I don’t care about what happened to Hina anymore, their journey’s done anyways. What I want to do is to start my own adventure to the skies!

Lilli: Really? You changed your mind so fast!

Hikou: Of course I do! I bet Old Bill’s gonna be pretty excited to know I’ll be leaving him and start my own adventure! One day, the name “Kanon Hikou” will be known as the greatest Flying Ace of the world!

(Old Bill arrives)

Bill: Is this another one of your “overly exaggerated” dreams?

Hikou: Waaaaaaa! How long have you been here Old geezer?!

Bill: I just arrived, and I didn’t hear anything. (Fake funny face)

Hikou: If ever I embark on an adventure will you allow me old man?

Bill: And what will that adventure be and with whom?

Hikou: If I answer your question, will you allow me then?

Bill: How will I decide if I don’t know what I will be deciding!

Hikou: That’s already your problem! XD

Bill: You bastard! Let’s head home now! It’s getting late.

After 2 weeks

Hikou and Old Bill went back to the city and does their old routine. But something ain’t right, there’s no more Lilli.

What happened to Lilli? Watch out for next chapter! XD

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2012 ⏰

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