Kanon Flight

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CHAPTER 0: PROLOGUE  “Hina’s Breakthrough Journey”

“Flying has been a long dream for humans. Lands, empires, seas, islands have been conquered but there are more to be discovered in the skies. Viewing the world from above gives out a feeling of superiority, it’s like a king watching over his kingdom from the top of his castle. Too bad, not everyone is allowed to enjoy it. Well, except for those courageous enough who are willing to break and defy the crooked rules of the world… and I am one of them!” – Bill Kanon

Royals, members of the higher ups and only a few, selected commoners have been given the privilege to enjoy this view from above. No common person is allowed to take flight, reach new heights and view the world for they have no right to look down over their rulers as this may indicate disrespect to their king and to those who belong to the top class of society.

Rowe Storke and Falmer Conrad (FalCon), Aviation mechanics also dreamt of reaching the skies. They have long been making “air-conquering” vehicles and yet none of the both of them has even tried to pilot the aircrafts they’ve made, and play in the clouds. Until one day, Rowe decided to take flight and roam the heavens!

(While doing some finishing touches on the airship)

Rowe: What about if we steal one of this ships and sail through the sky?

FalCon: Are you out of your mind? Do you wanna get sentenced?!

Rowe: Yes!

Falcon: haha very funny! I know it’s our long time dream to drive one of our aircrafts, but we’re not allowed you know. The king just made a royal decree to prohibit commoners to doing such things.

Rowe: But we’re not commoners, we’re special! We make metals fly!  

FalCon: Yeah! Tell that to those guards.

Rowe started making an airship inside the garage of their house. And after he finished it, he asked Falcon and 8 other workers from the aviation yard to join him on a journey toward the skies! Most of them were wishy-washy at first but was then overpowered by their long-time dream; they finally decided to join the expedition.

Rowe: Today marks Hina’s first flight towards conquering the heavens!

Hina crew: (cheers)

Hina(young bird), the name of their airships became an inspiration to other commoners who has also dreamt of experiencing the so-called “view from above”.  Not only the aircraft but also the two aviation mechanics who lead the breakthrough expedition became famous and turned out to be an inspiration to many. Numbers of dreamers followed Storke and Conrad’s footsteps and created their own airships.

(Images of people creating airships)

But the good times really don’t last long for Hina and its crew members, after becoming household names, the top positioned government officials as ordered by the royals asked for the capture of Storke and Conrad’s crew. The creation of the Airship Army was then created.

General Manfred von deLubio: The King, being insulted by all these lawbreakers ordered that this day be the start of the Airship Army by which I am assigned General!

(The army and the king’s loyalists cheering)

One by one, the airship and the aircrews got captured

(images showing crashed airships to captured and sentenced aviators)

Hina remained to be a rose full of thorns as it evades all the chasing from the airship army.

(Hina crew cheering after getting away from sight of the airship army)

Sky battles started when aviator Adolphe Peregrine installed weapons on his aircraft to contest the airship armies. He was considered to be the first FLYING ACE, after winning 5 air battles against the airship armies!

Adolphe: We have dreams and no one can stop us from following those dreams, My dream is to fly! And so I did fly! I may have risked my life achieving this, but through it all, when I lay down the grave I am proud to say that I, Adolph Peregrine have lived to follow that dream!  

(Images of Adolphes aerial battles to his capture and his sentence)

Later on, the list of FLYING ACEs increased as Storke and Conrad was included as the only aviators to be enlisted without destroying army airships, credits due to their ability to avoid being captured.

Hina Crew: “Flying ace eh without destroying army airships! That’s Capt. Rowe and Capt. Conrad for you!”

Hina finally reached the legendary Sky Island, the place believed to be the dwelling place of angels. Indeed! The Sky Island legend was true but unfortunately people who lived in the place turned out not to be angels, they were humans, yet a unique kind. People in Sky Island have the ability to fly!

(Images of Hina’s landing to Sky Island and Majestic Images of Sky Island including shots of its citizens flying)

(Rowe and Sky Island lady talking, laughing)

Storke married a fine young lady from Sky Island but unfortunately she died after giving birth to their son. (Image of a lady giving birth, lady then weakens and then dies in the arms of Rowe)

Storke brought the baby with him to his airship and continued his journey.

Baby: waaaaaaaaaaa!

Hina crew: (making funny faces) preparing milk,etc

News of Hina's discovery of Sky Island scattered throughout the world, thus adding another craze as more and more people wanted to fly and reach Sky Island. This brought Hina more prestige and honor among the commoners yet it brought forth anger from the royals. It lead to a greater search for Hina's capture.

After the child turned one year old, Hina was finally captured.

(Airship army firing cannons toward Hina)


Hina Crew: Capt. Storke, our airship just got hit! We could not sustain further in the air, this aircrafts soon gonna fall!

Rowe: So we have no other choice, we will surrender.

Hina Crew: Is there really no way? Are we gonna accept defeat that easily?

FalCon: Rowe is right, its either we die now without even saying our final farewell to the people we left on land or die in sentence to face our sins and to soon become heroes.

Rowe: No, you’re wrong; I just wanna see people cheering me on the day of my death. Isn’t it a good way to die?

(Falcon and rest of the crew smiled with tears falling from their eyes)

Storke having been given the ability to talk/command birds (another special ability of the Sky Island people) ordered a stork to take his son to safety. Storke, FalCon and the rest of the Hina crew were sentenced to death. It was a day of mourning for people who share same dreams as them.

(Images of execution)(People cheering Hina)

…………………………….. 10 yrs later……………………………………

Bill Kanon(old fella with super long beard): Hikou, don’t be scared! Just remember what I taught you!

Last Image(Kanon Hikou jumping off a cliff)  


Note: Storke learned how to talk to birds coz he was taught by the Sky Island people.

Hina stayed in Sky Island for almost a year.  Hina’s journey lasted 8 years.

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