Chapter Six

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Aurora's POV

    Olivia was Hell-bent on meddling in Rory's love life.

    This hadn't even been the first time she had done it either.

    She had done it back when the two were in 7th grade, when Rory had told Olivia she liked a boy in their 2nd period. Olivia nearly peed herself. She had thought apparently for quite a while before that, that Rory had been gay only because this had been the first time she had expressed interest in a boy to her. Aurora was the farthest from gay any one person could get, as she LOVED men, but Olivia apparently had not seen that.

    After Rory had told her, Olivia made it a point to put the two of them in every awkward situation that she could possibly think up trying to get them to date. It ended in the boy accidentally dumping a soda on her, and the two never talked to each other again. Olivia apologized multiple times, but she just couldn't find the courage in her to leave it alone. She did it multiple other times after that throughout high school and the first years of college.

    Aurora loved her to death, but after the last incident in their sophomore year of college, she had stopped telling her when she thought men were attractive. It just caused embarrassment that could be spared. Besides, after her last relationship she hadn't had to worry about liking anyone. She had her heart shattered into a million pieces. 

    Of course, she had hoped Olivia wouldn't find out about her crush on Mr. Monroe... but oh lord how she had been mistaken. Olivia had put the pieces together herself, and she was in for a wild ride.

    After the incident in the coffee shop a day or so ago, Aurora had been a little more jumpy in Adam Monroe's class. He would look at her, she would look down hastily to pretend like she had been writing down lecture notes. He would ask the class a question, she would sink down in her seat she he wouldn't call on her. He would say goodbye to her as she left the class just like he did to everyone else, and she would stutter out a shaky reply with red cheeks.

    She was an absolute mess.... and apparently, Olivia had had enough of her darting around her feelings trying to ignore them. 

    They had made their way into the classroom as they usually did, Aurora's face aimed directly at the floor as she walked. She couldn't help it... if she looked at him and made eye contact like they had at the coffee shop, she'd be a mess for the rest of the day. As Aurora sets her things down at her usual seat, she notices Olivia wasn't next to her. Oh no...

    Aurora looks up with wide eyes as she sees Olivia talking to Mr. Monroe, gesturing over her shoulder at her. What on earth was she doing? Aurora makes eye contact with the very man Olivia was talking to, and Aurora's heart skips a beat. Or two... or three. Just as she had predicted, she feels her face heat up and she quickly averts her gaze to anything else in the room, the windows the floors the numerous desks. Anything else than those piercing green eyes that bore right into the most vulnerable parts of herself. 

    As Olivia makes her way back to their seats, Aurora jumps up and drags her the rest of the way by her elbow, her face still burning hot and red.

    "What did you just say to him about me? Oh god please tell me you didn't meddle." She stresses, looking at her with desperate eyes. Olivia could only grin, her expression holding mock-shock.

    "Who, me? Meddle? I would never! Honestly, I'm a little offended you would think that of me!" she snickers a little under her breath. Aurora just about smacks her to get an honest answer.

    "Olivia! What did you tell him!" Rory exclaims quietly. Olivia can only shake her head and give a little shrug. Before Aurora could question her further, Mr. Monroe claps his hands together, a signal that he was about to start his lecture and that everyone needed to quiet themselves

    Olivia takes her seat at her desk, a smug grin on her face. Aurora had no clue what Liv had done, but dammit she had that look on her face. The look of meddling. 

    The class manages to pass as quickly as it had started, and despite how she tried not to look at him he kept locking eyes with her and smiling, as if he knew something she didn't. Which he probably did... after all, he was just talking to Olivia. Who knows what kind of secrets she could have told him. She did tell her just about everything after all.

   Her stomach drops. What if Olivia told him about how she feels about him. The thought nearly makes her fall out of her seat. Liv better not have told him... otherwise the class would be awkward for the rest of the year, and Aurora would be trying to find another roommate to live with until college was over and done with. However long that would be.

    As everyone gathers their things and leaves the classroom, Mr. Monroe looks up at her. She was trying to pass his desk before he could say anything... with no luck of course. 

    "Aurora... may I speak with you for a moment?" He says to her, his voice projecting low and slightly intimidating yet smooth as honey. She barely manages to withhold her squeak at the request, and walks towards his desk. She was the last person in the room... Olivia had made a beeline for the exit as soon as she could manage. 

    She was alone... with him.

    He clears his throat as if he were deciding exactly what to say. "Olivia has brought to my attention that you aren't really getting the material? And that you were too shy to say anything to me, which I can completely understand. I have an after school hours study hall group I hold to go over some of the more hard topics, if you would like to join?" He says with possibly one of the most handsome smiles Rory had ever seen.

    On one hand, she could be blunt and say Oh no, that was my best friend trying to set me up with you because I just think you're so attractive. Or she could go along with it... and participate in it. More alone time with him... and maybe a better grasp on the subject. She had been having some minor difficulties in the latest chapter. She bites her lip.

    She doesn't notice, but the action makes him shift in his seat ever so slightly.

    She finally looks up, a small smile on her face. The next words she said were the first clear ones without stuttering she had ever managed to say to him.

    "Where do I sign up?"

(Issa wild chapter, but i'm tryna spice things up a little. Thanks for reading lovelies~ Ari)

It is Morally Unethical to Screw Your ProfessorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora