Chapter Two

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    When Rory woke up on Monday, the first official  day of her senior year of college, she couldn't have been more excited. New teachers, new faces, and several classes more with Olivia than she had last year. Today was going to be great. She glances out the window of her now brightly lit room, the morning light flooding inside. It was a warm August morning, with puffy white clouds and a cerulean sky to compliment them. She'd have taken a picture to join the rest of the many other polaroid photos on her wall, but she just didn't have time. She still had to find something to wear! She flings off her fluffy warm comforter and walks over to her closet, debating on whether or not she should wear a dress. She would never admit it, but according to Olivia she did have some pretty nice legs. Rory decides to tone it down today with a pair of black leggings and a cute sweater with polka dots on it. It was a nice outfit, and she thought she'd look somewhat presentable.

    She finishes getting ready with minimal hair and makeup effort (she had never been too much of a makeup person) and heads out into the kitchen to find her best friend with a cup of coffee wrapped up in her hands. "So Rory, ready to see professor hot stuff later today? We have him as our second class of the day." she quips with a knowing smirk. Rory just rolls her chocolate brown eyes, not having any of the crap Olivia was teasing her about. "Oh please, Liv... you don't even know what he looks like! The rumors may not even be true about this guy.. he could be like forty, with a nasty long ass beard and a potbelly." She retorts with a scoff, taking the cup from between Olivia's hands and stealing a sip or two before it's stolen back from her. Olivia sticks her tongue out at her while making a sour face. "Ah, whatever. I have chemistry first thing and you have English, so we might as well start walking. Can't hurt to be early."


    To Rory, her second class couldn't have come fast enough. Throughout the whole class she had already sat through this morning, the only thing she could think about was Mr. Monroe himself and she hadn't even seen him yet. She was reluctant to believe what the rumors were about him being young and attractive, as they said that about the anatomy teacher. Lets just say she's never seen a rumor so butchered into something so different before. The teacher wasn't even a man! As she walks across the courtyard on her way to the class she had been most anticipating, leaves blow past her feet on the sidewalk, the first early on signs of autumn coming. She couldn't be more excited about that either... the leaves on the trees would turn beautiful shades of maroon and burnt orange and fall onto the ground before her, creating one of the most gorgeous scenes she has ever seen. It happened every year, and she absolutely loved it.

    As she enters the class, she spots Olivia sitting smack in the middle of the seats with a broad grin on her face. So freaking smug, wasn't she? Rory takes her seat directly next to her, setting her bag down on the floor and taking out the supplies that were written on the white board. Couldn't get off on the wrong foot with the so called "hot" teacher by being unprepared. "Looks like Mr. Monroe wasn't here.... not at the moment anyways," she thinks to herself. She looks to Olivia with a small smile. "Seen him yet?" Rory inquires curiously, trying to make it seem like she was't that interested in the whole situation. Obviously, it was the exact opposite, but Olivia didn't need to know that. She simply shakes her head, a slight shrug forming in her lean shoulders. "Nope... maybe he didn't show up to work today or something. Knew you were coming." She says, craning her neck to peer at the door as Rory hits her lightly on the shoulder. 

    Just as she says this, the door swings wide open and a man walks inside, taking long strides as if he had one thing and one thing on his mind only. Rory suddenly found it extremely hard to breathe. He sets his things down on the desk in the front of the lecture hall, rolling the sleeves of his white button up dress shirt to the elbows, and turns to face the rest of the class. She had never seen a gaze so intense, and from where she was sitting she wished she was so much closer. His eyes were a swirling emerald green, like fresh green grass that had just sprouted. He was built too, she could tell that much without even having to gaze twice... and she found her mouth hanging open just a tad. Olivia had to close it for her. He had jet black hair, falling in waves across his forehead, and she couldn't help but imagine running her fingers through them over and over. Everything about this man was perfect, dare she even say flawless. Yeah, she could definitely say flawless. 

    That gaze that she had been so enraptured with sweeps over the classrooms, and suddenly she noticed it had halted directly at her. She couldn't read the emotion on his face... and she wasn't sure if she wanted to either. Her cheeks turned a rosy pink, and she could hear Olivia snickering at her. She'd have to hit her later for that. After a moment or two he moves his eyes away from hers to flash a smile, patient and ready to teach it seemed. Just when she thought she had composed herself again, he spoke. To Rory, his voice sounded like pure melted chocolate. "Alright class... my name is Mr. Monroe, and I will be looking forward to teaching you this year. I will treat you with the same amount of respect you give me, and I expect great things. We'll go ahead and start with class expectations and what we will be covering this year." He states, loud and clear for the class to understand. His voice was slightly gruff, and a little raspy, but at the same time smooth like velvet. It made the hair on the back of Rory's neck stand on end.

    Olivia kicks her under the desk and grins, obviously noticing her reaction. "Something tells me you have to hots for the professor up there..." she teases, casing more blush to rise onto Rory's cheeks. "Well I-I mean, uh..." She stutters, not really sure how to defend herself on this one. This was going to be a long and interesting year.

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