Chapter Three

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    The rest of her classes that day were a blur after the class with Mr. Monroe. It had taken everything she had to get through that class alone. Between his voice and they way he looked in that shirt today, it was just too much. Olivia had a shit eating grin on her face throughout the entire lecture, and it made her want to slap her. She didn't though, simply out of the goodness of her heart. Olivia hadn't really said anything all day long whenever she'd seen her... not even when they met up for lunch. She stayed off the topic completely for some unknown reason, but Rory knew better than that. As soon as they got back to their apartment, she'd let loose about it all. And that's exactly what she did.

    "Aurora White! Always such a goody two-shoes, but I never pegged you as someone to have the hots for our professor!" She all but squeals as soon as the two of them walk into the apartment at the end of the day.  Rory groans loudly, rubbing her palm across her face. She shuts the door behind them and flops down on that same old brown couch covered in white cat hair. She hadn't seen Monty the white cat in a while... but he was probably hiding under her bed as usual. "You were making eyes at him through the entire lecture! It was almost embarrassing to watch... but still! Plus he's only like 27 from what I've heard... he's not too old either!" She chirps happily, giggling at the idea of Rory dating their new teacher. Rory merely rolls her eyes, dismissing the idea as quickly as it had spilled from her mouth with the wave of a hand. "Oh please, I was not making eyes at him! And even if he is only two years older than me, I am not interested in him like that!" She says, lying through her teeth. She's always been a terrible liar too... and Olivia Knew this. As soon as the words left Rory's mouth, Olivia knew this wasn't true. She was toast. " Oooh you're such a liar!" she screeches, shoving her to the side as she makes her way onto the couch beside Rory. 

    Olivia taps her pointed chin with the tips of her fingertips, contemplating her next thought. "You know, I do know some people in the school system. Maybe I could hook you up?" she offers slowly, grinning at the look she immediately received from the fiery red head. "You will not!" she exclaims, shoving a navy blue couch pillow in her face, the white cat hair getting on Olivia's black shirt. Olivia lets out a short scream and shoves Rory away. She wasn't exactly a big person after all... "Oh come on! Let me at least try to do something? Flirting Tips? I could tell you how to "accidentally" sit on his lap? It's a good trick, I've tri-" She immediately gets interrupted by another pillow to the face. "Nope. No way. I am not about to accidentally sit on my teacher's lap." Her voice was shrill, obviously embarrassed, and her cheeks were a bright pink. She could only hope and pray Olivia didn't bring it up in the middle of class with him. She may not exactly be a shy person, but she definitely didn't want to have to explain to their extremely attractive professor why she was bickering back and forth with her friend instead of paying attention to the lesson.

    Wish as she might, the following day that exact scene she had wished so desperately not to happen, happened anyways. It was about halfway through his lecture, and Rory was blushing up a storm at the comments Olivia was whispering into her ear when she thought he wasn't looking. Things like "I bet he'd make eyes at you too if it wasn't against his rules as a teacher" and "You know Rory, it's hilarious watching you freak out about all this. After all, you haven't even talked to him one on one yet." Rory could take her comments for the most part, but she drew the line at the last one. Olivia had casually leaned towards her, a small smirk on her face as Mr. Monroe turned away from the two to write an equation on the board. As soon as her lips got close enough, she grinned. "Maybe if you'd eye screw him just a little less, you'd be able to pay more attention to what he was saying. Naughty girl Rory..." She purrs with a small cackle. Rory's cheeks turn a deep red and she slaps her best friend and roommate on the back of the head, causing them both to giggle. 

    A sharp tap on the board with a ruler snaps them to attention however, Aurora's brown eyes meeting the piercing green of his own. Busted... "Am I interrupting something girls? Because if so, you could always speak outside the class and forget about coming to another." He states calmly, holding the ruler between his fingers with a pointed look gracing his rugged features. Rory almost squeaked at the tone of his voice directed at her. The entire class was now looking at her, but the only gaze she could feel was Mr. Monroe. It made her skin crawl with heat... but in a good way. Definitely in a good way. "U-uh no sir! Everything is fine! N-not interrupting at all!" Rory squeaks, practically dying from embarrassment. Olivia was getting such a kick out of it too, she could hardly stand seeing the entire exchange. Mr. Monroe's lips quirk up just in the slightest at the corners as she sputters out her answer, and he turns back to the board to continue his lesson to which neither Rory nor Liv had been listening to. Rory hadn't even caught the absolutely heart-melting smirk he had produced before resuming his teaching again.

   After class, Rory and Olivia were the only ones left, as Olivia took forever to put her things away. Rory knew she was doing on purpose... just to bother her. Rory thumps her on the back of the head for her to get a move on. "Come on! Being in this room any longer will have my head exploding with tension." She grumbles near Olivia's ear for only her to hear. After all, Mr. Monroe was sitting just a ways away working at his desk. His slightly wavy hair was falling across his forehead in a way that Rory could hardly stand to look at without blushing like a madwoman. That, and his arms... but that was something else entirely. Something amazing in her mind anyways. Once Olivia finally decided she had enough teasing Rory, they make their way towards the door to leave. Just before Rory can reach the door, a velvety smooth voice call to her from behind her. One that made her hands tremble and her knees weak. "Miss White? Do try to pay attention in class tomorrow will you?" Mr. Monroe says, a small smile gracing his lips. Aurora turns beet red and nods quickly. "Y-yes sir... I'll try my best." She stutters out, biting her lip just slightly. Just before she looked away she could have sworn she saw him wink at her... but maybe it was her mind playing tricks on her. 

And Olivia could hardly contain her smirk at that. 

(Hey lovelies! Sorry it took so long to update... I've had a lot going on at school and I just haven't had time until now. Thanks for sticking around though~ Ari)

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