Chapter 22 - The Final Round

Start from the beginning

MC: Miss Liz, please step on the stage.

Liz: Ah! I-I'm coming! (Shoot! I shouldn't let this worry me!)

Liz stepped out on the stage, but her judge hasn't revealed yet.

Liz: (I wonder who is my judge....)

Then, the person everyone was waiting for, finally appeared on the stage. Her beautiful golden hair swayed in the air in every steps she stepped.

Liz: M-Miss Elaine?!....

Liz stood still, stared at Elaine's appearance with her widen eyes, so as everyone in the room. Nervosity and fear started to built up in Liz's heart.

Elias: ..M-Miss Elaine...?

Sigurd: I..I didn't expect this to happen...

Azusa: ...No good. Liz looks all tense up again.

Cerim: I hope she'll be okay...

Elaine slowly approached Liz, who was too nervous to move an inch.

Liz: (I-I can't move..! C-Come on! My legs, please move..!)

Elaine: What's wrong, Liz? You look pale.

Liz: Ah.....I-It's nothing..! I'm okay..!

Elaine: Are you sure?

Liz: .....Yes. I'm fine, please start the contest right away.

Liz took a pause to calm down before looked directly into Elaine' eyes and gave her a stable answer. Elaine nodded and smiled before walking over the couches placed in the center of the stage.

Elaine: Very well. I like that look in your eyes. I'm looking forward to seeing you perform, Miss Liz.

Liz also followed Elaine to sit on the opposite couch of Elaine's. Sitting on her couch, Elaine straighten her back and put one leg on the other knee, then gently placed her hands on the above knee. Liz slowly poured tea into two teacups placed in front of her and politely gave one to Elaine. Elaine accepted the tea with a smile.

Elaine: Thank you. Please, have some tea first.

Liz: Okay.

They both gently took a sip.

Elaine: Well then, let's check your knowledge. First question...

Elaine asked Liz questions one by one, starting from History, Geography to Mathematics and so on.

Elaine: ...Very well. It looks like you know quite a lot. Did Klaus teach you?

Liz: H..Haha...yes, he did.

Elaine: *chuckle* As expected. With Klaus' teaching, there's no doubt you can do this well.

Liz noticed both of their cups were empty during their conversation.

Liz: Would you like another cup, Miss Elaine?

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