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Melissa sighs as the three of us rush down the hall of the hospital. "Honestly, I was hoping I didn't have to."

Scott and I share a look. "What do you mean?"

She shrugs. "Everything that you've been doing... the extra reading, the summer school, saving up for the bike, even though it scares me half to death..."

Her and me both.

"Honey, I just didn't wanna disrupt a good rhythm."

My heart melts a bit at the motherly concern and forethought, and just, well, care. The fact that his mother noticed his efforts, was a part of his life, and knew exactly what he was doing with it made me a bit, well, jealous.

Scott shook his head at his mom. " It's not gonna stop. I-I'm gonna be better this year. A better student, a better son, a better friend, a better everything. I promise."

I nodded, confidence a very attractive feature on Scott McCall. "Damn straight."

Scott sent me a beaming smile, and Melissa nodded.

"Okay. He's in room 215 if he isn't already in surgery. " she explains.

Scott smiles. "Thank you. "

"Bye Ms. McCall." I mutter shyly, always shy around her. I think she knows I have an embarrassing unrequited crush on her son.

She smiles her kind smile. "Oh, Indi, I've told you a million times by now, call me Melissa."

"Yes, of course, Melissa." Yeah, no it sounds too weird.

Scott and I made our way to the elevator after that, a silence engulfing us as I pressed the button and we were waiting for the car to arrive.

"So Stiles told me you got a tattoo?" I quirk an eyebrow at the other beta, who blushes.

"Well, sort of." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Sort of?" I question. "What? You can't sort of get a tattoo. That's like saying you sort of bought something, or you sort of kissed someone. You can't 'sort of' something permanent and immediate."

Scott winces. "Well, I did. You see, we went to the parlor. I got the tattoo-" He rolls up his sleeve, showing some impressive biceps I was not noticing, "-here, and then by the time we left, it was gone."

I trace the spot, feeling the flawless skin where it should've scarred, and then I understand. "It healed."

He nods.

"So how did Derek get his if they heal?" I purse my lips in confusion, pondering the spiral pack symbol in the middle of his back.

Scott shrugs. "I was going to ask him, but I figured he's a little more busy with Erica and Boyd."

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