I watched her the whole time our moms were talking. She had her hair messed up, pink overalls all dirty, and silver sparkly shoes. She has her arms crossed over her chest and watched our moms talk.

"I'm so sorry, Karen." My mother tells the lady, patting Aaliyha on the back.

Aaliyah burps and they laugh.

Blah, blah, blah.

Its not my fault Elyssa was being mean. She could've at least lied saying that she doesn't like playing with people. Saying that you don't like a person is really mean.

I continued to look like her. She reminded me of the boy that always picks on me at school. Both of them are mean and tough. Both have pushed me down in sand before.

The only difference I can point out is that she's prettier than him. Of course.

"Shawn?" My mom pops up in front of me.

I look up at her so innocently. As if I didn't pull a girl's hair. As if I didn't destroy anyone's castle. As if this is my first time getting in trouble.

"I'm gonna need you to say sorry to Elyssa."


"Whyyy?" I whine and leaned back, letting my head fall back.

"You pulled her hair!" She was getting irritated.

"She put sand in my mouth, mommy!" I argued, pouting so that she can change her mind.

"She's gonna say sorry, too, Shawn." She put Aaliyah in the stroller.

I groaned again before stomping my way to Elyssa. Her mother noticed me and whispered something in her ear before leaving, to go to my mother.

I stood in front of her once again, and she gave me that look, once again. This time I wasn't shy. All I had felt was anger towards her.

"I'm only here to say sorry because my mommy told me to."

"So?" She glared at me.

"So that means I still hate you." I shrug and sit by her.

"I..I hate you, too." She sighed and we both watched the younger kids play. They look about 2 or 3.

After a few minutes of silence, she spoke. "Why do you wear diapers still?"

"Because I want to." I jeer.

She didn't respond.

I look over to our moms and noticed my mommy getting ready to leave.

"You can go now." My head turned to Elyssa's face looking so excited that I'm leaving. "Bye!"


It's Halloween and I'm old enough to pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters. I dressed up as a vampire and Aaliyah was dressed up as a little, baby sheep.

My mommy was getting the food ready for our Halloween party.

Every now and then I had to walk back and forth, checking on Aaliyah and passing out candy.

When I had to check on Aaliyah, my mommy called out to me. "Our friends are here. Open the door, please."

"Yes, mommy." I snuck a Snickers Bar from the bowl and opened the doors.

These people were all dressed up. The two adults were dressed in matching Flinstone character outfits and their son, that I've never met before, is dressed as Frankenstein.

"Hi." I said shyly and let them in. The boy keeped on looking at me with a dirty look. He looked familiar.

"Hi Shawn!" The women beamed at me, bending down to be at my height level. She looks familiar too.

"How you been?" She beamed.

I shrugged and continued to eat my chocolate.

"Well, this is my husband, Charlie. "She gestured toward the cavemen-looking dude.

"Hi, Shawn!" He sounded very perky.

"And you know who this is." The lady continued and gestured toward the Frankenstein boy. "Well, I hope you guys are okay."

I narrowed my eyes at him, as if that was going to help me recognize this stranger.

"Karen, Charlie! Hi!" My mother dried her hands with a towel and hugged them both before turning to me and the boy.

"Shawn, is it okay if Elyssa can pass the candies out with you?" She looked at me, then the boy.

That's Elyssa?

It has hard to see since her hair was in a wig, of course, that looked like Frankenstein's hair. Her face was painted green and she wore the Frankenstein clothes. I would've never known.

"Sure." I said the exact same time Elyssa said "No thanks".

The adults chuckled and left the spot, into the kitchen where my mother was making her famous Lasagna.

They left us, the kids who fought in a sandbox, alone. We both glared at eachother until Aaliyah began to whine.

I rushed to her side to give her the binky that she just dropped. She automatically calmed down and enjoyed the binky in her mouth. Elyssa crept up from behind and eyed at the fetus.

"That's Aaliyah?" She looked fascinated.

"Yeah." I snapped. "Don't tell me you don't like her."

She shrugged.

"I like your sister more than I like you."


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