chapter 7

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The Winter Solstice

3rd Pov:

Everything was going as usual as it could be in the meeting of the gods this solstice. Everything was peaceful… if you could call it that. There were less arguments than normal for sure, otherwise people were still arguing nonetheless. Athena and Poseidon were arguing about who should've won Athens, Demeter was shouting at Hades about cereal, Zeus was being scolded by an angry Hera. Apollo and Hermes were thinking of a new prank. Hephaestus was tinkering with something in his hands and Ares and Aphrodite were staring googly eyes at each other. All in all, normal.

In fact, so normal, to one 8-year old goddess, can be seen munching on a bag of popcorn from her throne at the hearth. Staring intently at the arguments as if it were reality TV! Oh wait… it is! (To the reality part, not the TV part you know? Any who back to the story.) In flash of light appeared 18 hooded figures besides the Hearth goddess. She immediately jumped up in shock and spilled her popcorn while the rest of the gods were still arguing oblivious to what just happened.

Percy POV:

When it was time to gather up the troops and make our way to Olympus, Annabeth and I told Chiron we were headed to town to see my parents as our official excuse. Of course, he knowing our secret accepted it and wished us luck. We flashed to the Cavern of Inevitability and rallied our friends to introduce us to the Olympians.

First Nico came; telling his father he had an errand to run. The second person to flash in was Thalia who was sent on a "Solo Hunt" by Artemis for this occasion. And the rest just sort of all flashed in at once all with various excuses.

Annabeth being the one who planned it all said "Ok so the plan is to wear these pure white hoods on top our silver armor to make you look more mysterious and all powerful. Then we will all flash in next to Hestia who is in the middle of the throne room at her hearth. You all go that?"

There was bunch of head nods in return. I kissed Annabeth, flipped my hood up with everyone copying that action and announced "Let's go shake things up a little!" And flashed to the Olympus throne room next to Hestia.


I immediately as I flashed in a felt an instinct to duck from my foresight. Perhaps it was Zeus's master bolt. Then I felt a bunch of small marble size objects hit me. I opened my eyes to realize that I was covered in Hestia's popcorn! Looking around I saw my friends and my fiancé silently snickering at me. I sent them a glare that shut them up.

Looking up and silently smirked at Hestia's shocked expression as I said "Why hello Lady Hestia, it appears you have a quite an interesting family here." In a mysterious tone. Regaining her composure, she timidly questioned "Hello my lord, I assume you must be the master, mistress and these are your servants of fate?" gesturing to our friends. Annabeth and I smiled kindly at her before Annabeth replied kindly "That would be correct Lady Hestia." Hestia smiled before asking us what where our names, we replied in sync "All will be revealed shortly Lady Hestia."

I turned to the rest of the Olympians who apparently still haven't noticed us. So, I decided to do something a bit theatrical. Turning to my fiancé I said "Maybe this will get their attention!" She proceeded to mutter "Seaweed brain" only so I could hear her. Using the powers of space, I decided to let off a small supernova go off in the room. Gathering a bunch of energy until I made a star the size of an apple appear in my hand. I then allowed the mass of the star to enter its core so the star would start to collapse. While I was using my time powers to speed this all up. When the core collapsed, it released an energy burst that was full of beautiful colors (primarily sea green) and pushed the gods back in their thrones effectively shutting them up. Since this was a very, very tiny super nova you could perhaps relate the energy to the amount Gaea would have at ¾ power or roughly 2.4 octillion megatons of TNT (a true super nova is 24-48 octillion...) Even Annabeth and my own warriors were shocked at my display of power and plus I wasn't even tired! Looking at all the awestruck faces of everyone there left me giggling and clutching my stomach on the floor.

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