chapter 1

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I become a god

(Present Time)

3rd POV

The Second Giant War was over; the campers where celebrating and life was back to normal once again. Just as last time at the end of the Second Titan War, Percy Jackson was once again offered godhood; however, he turned it down so Hades and Hestia could take his place on the Olympian Council. With the celebration over the demigods returned to camp and returned to their normal lives if you could call it that.

Percy POV

The war is finally over I thought as I walked back to my cabin with Annabeth, I can finally get some peace in my life! No more wars, no more being kidnapped and sent to possibly hostile camps, no more quests fighting impossible odds…. Though I have been having these strange dreams lately, there is a lady who keeps talking about the past of the fates. I broke out of my musing when Annabeth said "Good night" and kissed me before running off to her cabin.

I walked in to my cabin and plopped down on my bed and quickly fell asleep. In the dream, I found myself walking to a cave in a mountain that I did not recognize. Walking in I turned a corner to find myself in the presence of the Fates weaving thread. The middle one Lachesis spoke "What are you doing here mortal? No one is allowed in the Cavern of Inevitably!" I replied casually saying "That's not true lady Lachesis, your mother Ananke and father Chronos are also allowed to this place." I smirked at the shock on their faces, before the left one spoke "How do you know that? Not even the Titans and Gods know that." "I am not quite sure but a woman and man with a clock in my past dreams where telling me these things and they also said one will come to you knowing about your past."

Once again this caused a gasp from the three Fates and they started talking quickly in a language I could not understand. Finally, the right one spoke up saying "Do you think he can be the chosen one that mother talked about?" quickly followed by "I believe so sister". Finally, after some more bickering they spoke at once more "Perseus Jackson please step forward if you are the chosen one." I was curious at this point and I couldn't help my ADHD brain from blurting out "And what are you planning to do?" "We plan on all touching your forehead at once, our mother told us that this would kill a mortal or force a god to follow the will of fate but in your case, it would give the chosen one the power over fate and time and any other godly domains that you would have received if you were made a god" came the reply. I was feeling compelled do this and I stepped forward.

I felt a godly energy blast me back as they all touched my head and doubled over in pain as my mortality burned away. As one the fates all spoke "All hail Perseus Jackson, God of Fate, Time, Elements, Warfare, Natural Disasters, Space, Waves, Heroes, And Loyalty". As soon as they finished I blacked out.

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