Chapter 2

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After arriving at school the three girls went to their favourite spot. It was behind the school, infront of the football field. Y/n leaned against the wall, the cold bricks leeching the warmth from her skin through her jacket.
Natalie had her fiery red hair trapped in a braid, a splash of freckles across her face. She wore a baggy forest green t-shirt and a pair of frayed blue jeans and black trainers. She fumbled with something in her back pack a focused look on her face. She pulled out a pack of cheap cigarettes, like Ally, Natalie was rich but her parents had a strong no smoking no drinking rule, and like Ally, she didn't listen.
"Where is my fricking lighter," she sighed as she dug her hand deeper in her bag. Y/n pulled hers out;
"Use mine," she said simply. Natalie nodded in gratitude and lit the cigarette, she stood up slinging her bag over her left shoulder.
Ally stood between the two, she had short black hair and bangs that almost completely covered her right eye. She wore a short maroon dress and black boots. Y/n had at one point neat h/c hair. But the morning Derry wind whipped into a mess. Classy mess. The words 'Classy mess' made y/n giggle to herself. Y/n had a blue shirt on and, originally blue jeans, that were splattered with black paint. She had black and white trainers on.
It was mostly deserted at the back of the school, leaving Ally and her gang (the name they had been given since the first time they all got detention) to be the only people back there. It was sweet blissful silence.
"Is anybody going to class today?" Ally asked looking from Natalie, who was handing y/n her lighter back, to
Y/n herself.
"Eh, i dont think so," Natalie shrugged.
"I wasnt going to go but my moms been on my case lately, sucks though, I have a science test," y/n said dejectedly.
"Didnt study?" Ally asked, y/n shook her head in response ,"Dumbass"
y/n frowned "shut up,"
It was almost immediately, like being hit with a ball, the sound of banshee-like laughing and yelling.
Turning around the corner was Chloe and Jennifer, the two most popular girls in the grade, and a gaggle of their empty headed cronies.
As Jennifer got closer y/n stuck out her foot and watched as Jennifer collided with it and fell, dropping her coffee and having it splash over the front of her shirt. Chloe and the gaggle of girls fell silent and stared at Jennifer their jaws touching the floor. Ally and her gang howled with laughter.
"You-you bitch! Ill get you for this!" Jennifer yelled as she struggled to stand. Y/n and the other girls stopped laughing immediately. She ran up to
y/n and stood an inch away from her giving the evil eye. Y/n was a foot taller than she was, giving the shorter girl a glare.
"I dare you to try and get me," Y/n said her voice calm, barely above a whisper. Jennifer squirmed on the spot
"Try and get me and ill kill you," with that last statement Jennifer had enough, she ran away to the nearest door into the school, Chloe and the gaggle following close behind.
"Good one," Ally said smiling she clapped y/n on the back. Y/n had a habit of creeping people out. Thats why she was the muscle of the group.
The bell rang
"Looks like a storm is coming," Natalie sighed, As she flicked her cigarette onto the ground. Dark clouds were getting even darker as the three girls filed into the school.
At exactly 9 pm, Mr. Maclin, who walked outside for the first time since the storm (it had been terrible, almost a flood) to see something pink stick out of the storm drain.
Rushing forward the 71 year old man realized it was a shirt. A shirt attached to a body. The torso and up halves of Jennifer and Chloe stuck out of the drain. Their skin a pale grey their arms and hands bobbing in the flood water (they had blocked up the drain).
Mr. Maclin ran and grabbed their hands, mistaking them to be alive, and pulled them out. Only to fall back screaming himself into a fatal heart attack. The torsos, heads and arms were all that was left of the girls.
How is the story so far? I promise you will meet Patrick in the next chapter, I just wanted to put some backstory for your character.

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