Enter Aika

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Aida woke up in a room that had light gray walls as she prompted herself up on her elbows before sitting up straight and looked around seeing the bed sheets all black with a dark gray blanket covering half of her person.

She thought nothing of it and made her way to the restroom took a shower and changed into a black tank top and light gray shorts and white knee heigh socks her hair was under her shoulder blades being pitch black on the left side and snow white on the right, her skin was pale slightly tanned she looked in the mirror as her eyes widened. "What the-"

Flippy's side

As flippy was walking near aida's home witch was a house of two floors being the color of black and gray he stood on the front door step about to knock when suddenly he jumped at the sound of her screaming,

kicking the door in and ran inside and up the stairs holding his bowie knife in hand " Aida?! Whats wrong are you o-"

flippy then paused as he starred at the black and white haired girl who was in front of the restroom mirror with her cat ears showing along with her tail,

she had turned around and looked at him her eyes looked like they had gotten life back within them once more witch made flippy feel better inside and he then placed the knife back where it belonged, as he was about to speak the voice in flippys head began to annoy his thoughts.

'Oh? So this is the girl you and that red loving squirrel hero braught back home huh. Heh fresh meat. And a cat at that.'

'Fliqpy don't you dare start to think about shit! You will by no means lay a finger hand arms weaponds or object to this girl!!'

'Hahaha!!! You cant fucking tell me what to do! I own you! Im stronger then you! I do whatever the fuck i want you worthless peace of shit!'

Flippy sighed as he ignored his evil half and held his hand out to her

" hey. Its alright im a friend i wont hurt you. I promise." he said with a soft and smoothly sweet tone in his voice he smiled at aida and in return her ears flattened while her tail was wrapped around her waist and reached for his hand but then recoiled her arm back staying in the corner of the restroom

" who...who are you...why am i here...where am i! What am i doing here and how the fuck do you know my name!!" she trembled as she glared with tears in her eyes witch had became dull once more showing her icy blue look like light gay.

Flippy furrowed his brows a he took a step near her "listen my name is flippy and a friend of mine named splendont and i were ordered to go find you and bring you here to our town. And this house was made for you i came to bring you your key and some other stuff. And tell you of this town." He paused for a second before continuing

"But for now all i can tell you is you cant leave this town once you die inside it and come back to life the next day..this town is cursed.." he explained as she began to calm her body down as she listened and looked down thinking over what she had done over the years for the person she loved with her heart and soul as she remembered what had happened yesterday.

She sighed as she leaned against the wall and placed her head back as flippy watched her tears start to fall once more, the ice blue eyed girl slid down the wall and sat on the floor as she began to cry out the pain she had still in her chest witch would be impossible to ever hope the tears would dry up any time soon or even at all.

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