Chapter 4: Teasing

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A: -laughing- YOU CAN'T GET ME~


F: -watches the two fool around-

R: -trips and hits head on the wall-

F: hmm, is she okay?

A: -turns around- S-Shoot!

R: -rubs head- T^T

M: What happened..? Ruby..You have a bump...

R: I-I do..? -pouts and tears up-

M:-grabs ice and places it on her forehead-

R: T-Thanks..

—Nana comes back—

R: I feel like a little child now.. I-I'm sorry..

N: I brought mushrooms an-

M: No, don't be.. I love taking care of you guys. But please be careful...

R: O-Okay..


R: O-Oh hi Nana..

N: Was I gone for that long? -comes over and hugs Ruby-

M: Heh..A lot of stuff happens in a short while.. Anyways, you two should get to sleep now.

N: -tries to hit Alucard but is too short to reach his face- Dang it... T^T

N: Okay, bed time~

A: Well..I should get going, hehe..

N: Bye Alucard

R: ... -pouts-

M: Want me to stay in your room until you guys fall asleep?

R: -nods-

M: Heh, alright

N: -climbs onto Miya's back- Huehuehue

R: You guys go on ahead...

N: W-Why?

R: ..
I-I have something to do

N: B-But..

R: I'll be back, it won't take too long

M: You need to sleep now though

N: Is it because you wanted to be on Miya's back but I got here first??? :(

R: N-No.. it's fine
You guys haven't had dinner yet, right?

Speakers: All heroes report to the kitchen. Dinner is ready.

M: Ah... That's right, we haven't.

R: Told ya

M: Well, let's go

R: I was going to help Franco, but I guess he finished.. -sighs and crawls-

M: Want me to carry you?

R: N-No it's fine..
-gets up- Plus you already have Nana

N: But Nana wants Ruby.. T^T

M: I can carry both of you, I'm pretty strong!

R: It's okay... -starts walking-

N: -gets off of Miya's back and holds Ruby's hand-
-grabs Miya's hand with the other hand- There we go!

M: -smiling- You guys are too cute

N: Now I have both Miya and Ruby! :D

M: Ah, kids are adorable..
Let's go eat!~

R: Okay~

A: What about me..? -pouts-

R: ...

N: I guess you can hold Ruby's hand

R: ...

A: hm, okay -holds Ruby's hand-

R: -turns red- U-Uh..

N: Yay! Now let's go! :D

A: Y-Yeah!

N: -starts skipping while holding Miya and Ruby's hand-

—They all go to the kitchen—

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