Chapter Eight: The Butterfly

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Sorry for the long pauses between updates. I come up with super good ideas, and then when I go to write them down, I forget them all so I get writers block often. Please excuse this.

Are you enjoying this so far? Last chapter was pretty rough, and I rushed it more than I would have liked to. Please excuse that, too. Thanks, cupcakes.

(I am aware that there are going to be spelling and grammatical errors in all of my chapters. When I have completed this story, then I will edit it so it is of a more proper understanding.)

Chapter Eight: The Butterfly

"No thanks."

Louis stared at Harry with dark confusion and worry.


"No thank you."

Louis blinked. His three friends were sitting aimlessly, carelessly on the dark, broken leather couch that was dull and uncomfortable. They would not give a damn if Harry said no, but Louis, on the troublesome side, began to worry.

"What do you mean 'no thank you'?"

Harry sighed, "I mean I'm not in the mood to smoke right now. So, no thank you."

Louis was slightly glad at Harry's politeness. He seemed to always be polite, saying 'thank you' or 'may I please do this' and Louis was thrilled that Harry was feeling better since the other day. But he was a little frightened and worried that Harry wasn't joining him and his friends, because it was just in Harry's nature to want to smoke.

"Are..." Louis began, then cleared his throat, "Are you feeling all right?"

Harry cocked his head at him, "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

Louis blinked. "Uh," he stuttered, "It's just a bit unlike you to not want to smoke."

Harry laughed a bit, "I'm fine, trust me. I just want to sit outside for a bit, okay?" Harry was already out the door before Louis could answer, calling behind him, "Call me if you need me!"

What an odd thing to say. Why would Louis ever call for Harry, let alone ever need him? Harry was simply his roommate and maybe a friend, but he had other friends over, so why would Louis need Harry?

Sure, Louis liked it when Harry was around; he didn't want to be alone ever again, but that didn't mean that he needed Harry, surely? He was capable of handling himself and his life on his own, so he didn't need Harry for any of that. He didn't even need Harry much at all, he thought.

As he passed around the pipe, Louis wondered what Harry entirely meant by that phrase, or maybe he didn't mean anything by it at all. Perhaps he was just saying it jokingly, like he knew that Louis wouldn't need him, but teased Louis anyways.

Louis shook his head. He was always overthinking things when it came to Harry.


Louis blinked and looked over to his best friend, Zayn. He had known Zayn since high school, and the two used to be like peas in a pod. "Yes?"

"You feelin' okay, mate? You seem a little odd."

Zayn had a very thick accent, so most of his word came out mumbled and not well said. Louis smiled at the tanned boy,

"Of course I'm fine. I'm just thinking, 's all."

"Well," Zayn smirked, "Stop thinking. It's not good for you."

Louis chuckled, but Zayn knew that Louis would continue. Louis was one of those people who never stopped thinking, always worrying about something, or someone, and always getting zoned out, deep into his thoughts. Zayn knew that Louis was just in that nature, the nature where he was always on his feet, struggling to make everyone happy, not realizing that it was near impossible to make everyone happy.

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