Chapter Eleven: The Heart

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Chapter Eleven: The Heart

Louis really didn't want to go to work today. No, Louis really didn't want to go work today. He grumpily rubbed at his sore eyes and heavily got up from the bed.

"Harry," he called in a long, drawn out voice. When he didn't hear an answer, he called again. "Harry!" Still, there wasn't an answer. Louis rolled his eyes, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and walking through the hallway. The bathroom light was on, so he knocked on the door.

"Harry?" he asked.

"Yes?" Finally, there was Harry's sweet, gravelly voice.

"Are you almost done? I gotta pee."

He heard Harry laugh. He smiled.

"Uh, well, I'm not exactly dressed right now..."

Oh my.

"But, like, I really gotta go."

"Sorry, Louis, but, unless you want to see my ass, I wouldn't recommend entering."

"I won't look." Louis tried. Harry sighed.

"I don't have anything to cover up with." Harry said through the door, then added, "Just... get me some boxers or something, okay?"

"Harry, I don't care. I won't look."

"Louis, I'm really not comfortable with that." Louis frowned, rolling his eyes, as he let out a sigh.

"Fine. Just hurry."

He decided to go down for a cup of coffee and a quick smoke. He waited impatiently for the bathroom to be free. He really wished Harry didn't use soap, because soap took away Harry's sweet scent. In fact, he prefer Harry didn't shower at all.

"Done." Harry grinned, startling Louis down in the kitchen. Harry was now fully clothed, pouring himself some coffee and gulping it down, bland.

"Took you long enough." Louis muttered, "I have work today."

"That's too bad."

Louis folded his arms. "It is too bad." he teased, "But I really don't want to work. Not today, not ever."

Harry sighed, "Well," he said, "I wish I could win the lottery and make you not have to work, but, unfortunately, life doesn't work like that."

Louis huffed. Harry continued, "Did you tell your boss that you were going to start working part time?"

The eldest blinked. He stared at Harry for a moment. "No." he concluded, "I haven't." He sat for a moment, judging himself. "Harry," he asked, "Do you think I could just quit?"

Harry laughed loudly, "Of course you can't! I can't pay for bills all by myself. Nor can I pay for the classes you'll be taking soon."

Louis grunted, "Yeah, well, I hate work. I want to be a kid again."

"That'd be nice. Not having to worry about anything."


"Y-Yeah." Louis swallowed. "Not... worry."

"Anyways," Harry said, "I already ate, so. I guess I'll be off, then."

"Yeah, okay. I'll try to come see you during your break."


"Bye." Harry left, but Louis still muttered,



He combed his hair while he drove to work. He didn't want to be late, because if he was late, he would set a bad example for his boss and then he might get fired, and... well, Louis really didn't need to be fired at the moment.

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