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The airport was near enough empty due to the early hours there flight was booked for. Mina stood shivering slightly, as she waited with Rosalie for their plane to be boarded. It was devastating to be going home but she had missed her family, and Mina knew she couldn't stay with Eva forever.
They had spent the last hour in Eva's home cleaning and making sure nothing was out of place as her mother was returning shortly after they left. The air was thick with silence as no one spoke, wether it was because they were tired or upset she didn't know but she didn't exactly mind.

The two English girls were not very good at goodbyes, especially when it was unknown when the next hello would be.

The announcement that flight 603 was boarding echoed around the bare airport, and Rosalie stood up. The pair shared a small smile before they began their goodbyes.

Eva swung her arms around the petite girl and mina felt her eyes brim with tears, the last thing she wanted to do was get sappy and cry, "Thank you so much," She mumbled as she pulled away from the red heads grip, "I'm going to miss you."

They took their time saying goodbye before the final call made them speed up the process. Jonas pulled the blonde into a tight hug, she rested her head against his chest feeling awkward as Magnus raised his eyebrows suggestively at her. With an eye roll and a middle finger to the tall annoying boy, she pulled away and gave Jonas a wide smile, he spoke softly, "feel free to visit anytime."

She nodded in response before feeling Rosalie tugging on her arm.
"Come on we're gunna miss the flight." Rosa mumbled as they turned away from their newfound friends.


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imagine they spent our last moments together playing patty cake on the airport floor


Reggismeggis: come home we miss u
Fuckrosa: don't miss u reggismeggis
Reggismeggis: Rosalie now isn't the time for lies fuckrosa
Ellevillevilde: stop stealing my mans fuckrosa
Fuckrosa: only got my eyes on u sweet cheeks 😍😘 ellevillevilde

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