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The doorbell rang and Mina felt her world stop. It was happening, she could hear the footsteps along the passage and the laughter as the door opened but she couldn't move. It was as if she had been paralysed.

It felt like years had passed, as she sat still straining her ears to her the conversation that was happening a room away from her. Though her mind was swirling with thousands upon thousands of thoughts she couldn't make anything out.

With a urge of abruptness, Mina was making a beeline to the bathroom, she shot inside and shut the door behind up. The wooden panel felt cool against her exposed back, and she suddenly felt insecure in her low cut top and plain jeans. She scanned the bathroom for something to wrap around herself but was without luck.

Pausing for a moment, she looked up into the mirror, her eyes were wide and scanned her reflection quickly looking for any flaws in her appearance. Of course she found many, her eyeliner was not symmetrical and made her eyes look uneven. The small flyaways around her hair were probably caused by her need to flee to the bathroom. She swung her hand up to her head and began to smooth them out, this made her hair too flat. With a groan she dropped her arms by her sides. It was no use, she couldn't hide in Eva's cramped bathroom all night. She had to face him.

Mina cautiously unlocked the door and stepped out into the hallway, no body was in sight. She let out a sigh of relief and turned to walk to the kitchen. At that moment she became face to face with a familiar set of eyes, raising her line of sight slightly higher she was greeted by two caterpillar like eyebrows. Mina sucked in her breathe as she stared at the one and only, Jonas.

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