I really couldn't be caught slipping in these streets, and I definitely wasn't going to jail.

I closed back the compartment and closed the trunk and locking it .

Raheem POV

Mane what the hell was this nigga doing , I'm sure it doesn't take that long to put up a gun .

I sighed and opened back the door walking towards the trunk.

"Mane what is yo-"

There was the sight I thought I would never see .

Kaheem stretched out on the ground with blood all over his shoulder and leg .

I quickly stooped down and slapped his face as I saw his eyes close .

"WAKE THE FUCK UP " I yelled at him .

His eyes shot open and looked at me .

I flung off my shirt and tore it into two pieces.

I wrapped one tightly around his right leg as he winced in pain .

"Just hold on bro I got you " I said calmly.

I wrapped the other piece around his shoulder tightly and picked him up , making sure he was good .

In these situations you shouldn't panic because then the person who got shot would panic and I didn't want that .

I opened the car door and put him in the car to lay down. 

I closed the door and ran around to the driver side .

Whoever shot my brother was gonna pay for this , they don't know but they really started a war now .

"Ayee " I heard Kaheem groan .

"Wassup , you good " I said looking back at him quickly as I drove out the car park and down the street.

I stopped at a light and looked back at him .

"Amilia " he said softly.

He raised his good arm and crossed his finger over his lips .

"You sure "

He looked at me blankly making me smirk .

"Alright, lemme call India them " I said picking up my phone .

I wasn't going to tell them to meet us at the hospital because I knew how Kaheem was he didn't want anyone to worry about him .

I was just going tell them to meet us at the house in the morning.

I somehow needed to tell Roanna how I wasn't coming home tonight.

But I'll figure that out .

I texted the doctor I had on site and told him to meet me at the place .

I pulled up at the condo and parked in the driveway and got out quickly.

I opened the door and helped Kaheem out before closing the door .

I slowly walked with him up towards the front door and pushed the key in the door opening it .

I quickly pushed it open further and    carried him to the bedroom in the back .

I put him on the bed and turned on the light and grabbing a pair of scissors off the night stand .

I cut open his shirt and took of his shoes and flew both on the ground .

I started to cut his pants as he gave me a dirty look .

I started laughing as I cut the whole pants .

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