Epilogue (CP20)

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Their tale is unbelievable, now. They end up together, even if there are many problems.

Today is the day for them to live as one.

The setting is in the garden. Night wedding, unique.

Black suit, everything is black.

After the proposal last month, everyone heard the bell rang.

Vampires have their own priest, it is not called priest but lets just call it priest because it is a wedding.

The bride is getting ready.

"Hey Sandra, mukha kang ewan." Venice said

There are two bridesmaids; Venice and Kaylee.

"I'm nervous!" Sandra said

"Girl, just relax. It's your wedding you must be happy!" Kaylee said.

"Hoo, I can do this!"

She is already wearing her black wedding gown. They are all ready. Her make up is dark. Brown eye-shadow, pink blush, shaded foundation and everything is black already.

The wedding will start in a matter second

The guest start walking, then the groom.

Then the bride.

The bride was stunning as expected.

Then the ceremony starts.

Then the vow.....

The groom is the first.

"When I first saw you. I told myself that I will not fall to a person like you. But it went another way around." He laughs a lil bit. "I fall for you and I'm the luckiest cause you also fell. We fell in just a week. How unique right?" He stops for a second. "Cassandra Beatrix Gonzalez, I love you and I will always love you."

Everyone claps.

"A mystery school. With a mystery prince. I said before. But now it's still a mystery for me how I fall for you. I thought " Opposite Attracts." But it wasn't true for us. Love can change a person and that's true. Kurt James Rivera I love you and I will always love you too."

Then the ceremony continued after their vows. Now it's the part of saying Yes or No. And of course they both said Yes.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Kurt removed the cloth then he kissed Cassandra passionately.

"Let's all welcome the newly weds! Mr. And Mrs. Kurt James Rivera!"


After the ceremony of course the, reception.

The wedding went very happy.


The other night.....

They newly weds woke up late at night because the wedding finished in the morning.

"Hey good evening wifey." Kurt said

"Same to you hubby."

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah a little bit."

They are living on their own house.

They ate their breakfast, then the both of then watch TV.

"Hubby I love you."

"I live you too Cassandra." Then Kurt start kissing Cassandra.

Until they made love......

2 years later.

"Kurt where's Brian?!" Cassandra screamed in their house.

After they made love, Brian was made.

Brian Carmelo Rivera

"Mommy find me!" A one year old boy said, Brian

"Baby, come on you have to take a shower."

Then Kurt went to Cassandra

"Let him play for awhile wifey. And you, take a rest you're not yet sleeping for almost a day."

"Will you take care of him?"

"Yeah sure."

"Thanks, hubby!"

Then Cassandra kissed Kurt.


After the rain, there's a possibility to have a rainbow so don't give up.

So basically this story is all about trust. In love, you have to trust your partner. Because you might be wrong like what happened to Cassandra

If you really love someone, don't easily give up, you might have a chance.

Trust is like an eraser, every time you commit a mistake it will be smaller and smaller.

Trust is like a steel, if the steel was invaded by rust it will be weak and soon to be broken.

Does love sweeter in second time around?

Basically it depends.

Thank you for reading Vampire University!

Started: August 2, 2017
Ended: October 21, 2017

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