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5 years later

"Mama!" María ran up to her mother, who patiently waited for her daughter. Violetta bent down and hugged her eldest daughter. "I missed you, and Sofía missed you too, but she fell asleep on the plane."

"Vilu?" Violetta hadn't seen León much the past five years. They always had someone to take their kids to each other. Ramallo or Angie always took María and Sofía to their father's house, and picked them up. Violetta's best friend, Francesca said that she was going to bring them back to Argentina, since she was in Mexico visiting her ex-boyfriend Marco, no one except Violetta knew that they were trying to reconnect their relationship.

"León," Violetta started. "Fran told me she was going to–"

"She told me she was going to meet me at the airport," León told Violetta. "Sofía fell asleep ten minutes before the plane landed, and you know she hates being woken up."

"Just like you," Violetta commented. León chuckled. "My car's in the front–"

"Is Diego here?" María asked, smiling. León tensed up, Violetta tried not to notice, but she did.

"He's at work right now, but he really wanted to see you and Sofía," Violetta told her eldest daughter.

Violetta led the two of them to her car, León ended up waking Sofía when he was putting her in her seat. María and Sofía sat in the back seat.

"You and Diego?" León asked.

"Do you really care? Or are you trying to make small talk to our daughters can see us being nice?" Violetta questioned.

"I do care, Violetta. I still care about you. You're the mother of my children. I remember how heartbroken you were after he broke your heart."

"That was years ago, León. Out of all people, you should know that people can change," Violetta paused. "Do you need a ride to your place, or are you going to waste money on a rental car?"

"If you don't mind," León gave Violetta a small smile. "It also gives our daughter's some full family time."

Violetta started her car, and began to drive back into the city. Violetta and León listened to María's stories about visiting México with her father, and Sofía had fallen back asleep before her mother even started the car.

Violetta parked in front of León's house, the one they shared only five years ago. León looked in the backseat, and the two girls were sleeping. "I'm officially moving back to Bueno Aires. No more traveling, unless it's important and an emergency."

"Do the girls know?" Violetta asked, glancing at her ex-husband.

"Not yet. I kind of wanted to fix up their bedrooms in the house for when they stay with me," León told Violetta, who nodded along. "Thanks for the ride."

"Bye León."


Violetta drove off when she saw León enter the house. It took about ten minutes before she got to her and Diego's place. She had parked beside Diego's car, and the girls had woken up before the car stopped. They both ran inside of the house, while Violetta stayed and called Francesca.

"Were you ever in México?" Violetta asked.

"I guess you saw León," Francesca replied. "I also had to take an emergency flight back to Italy, so I gave León my ticket saying that I'd meet him in the airport."

"I don't know what you're trying to do Fran, but you know that León and I are not getting back together. I'm happy with Diego."

"I know, but what if there is still a chance for you and León? You two were the best together, and your two daughters have travelled a lot in the past five years to be with both parents–"

"Did you also know he's moving back to Argentina?" Violetta asked Francesca. "So there will only be a ten minute drive whenever they want to see mom or dad."

"I'm sorry, Vilu. But you kind of did the same thing with Marco and I."

"I ran into Marco, and he told me that he'd love to catch up with you since you two lost contact. León and I would never lose contact because of María and Sofía." A soft knock on the window startled Violetta. She turned and saw Diego and smiled. "I have to go, Fran. Call me when you get back to Argentina. Me, you and Camila need a girls' night out," Violetta said before ending the call.

"Hello, my love," Diego smiled, pulling Violetta into a kiss.

"I thought you had work?" Violetta asked.

"They let me off early, so I came home and made some pizza for the girls knowing they get hungry after flying," Diego explained.

"Did you make me some?" Violetta asked, smiling.

"Double pepperoni and extra cheese, just like you two like it," Diego rubbed his hand on Violetta's stomach.

"Diego!" Violetta pushed his hand away. "I don't want anyone to know or even suspect anything yet. I'm barely even showing, and I want to tell the girls first before anything."

"I already told my father."

"Gregorio? Diego, you better be kidding. You know your father can't keep a simple secret, what makes you think he's able to keep this o–"

"I'm joking. I promise the only people that know are you, me, and the doctor. Unless you told someone," Diego replied.

"Mama!" Sofía ran out of the house, and stopped in front of Violetta's car where her mother stood. "Diego made pizza, and it's super cheesy!"

"Mm, sounds delicious," Violetta commented as she saw Sofía run back into the house.

"You seem to have forgotten something this morning," Diego held out a ring to Violetta. "Don't want to tell anyone just yet?"

"I was in such a rush this morning, I barely remembered to put shoes on. I'm sorry, my love." Violetta grabbed the engagement ring that Diego had given her a month ago, and slid it on her ring finger.

"You are so beautiful, Violetta Castillo," Diego smiled at his fiancée. Violetta smiled, before they both walked into the house, smelling the delicious aroma of pizza.

Yo, I know Diego ends up with Francesca, but whatever it's fanfiction. And I'm only on season 3 episode 6 of Violetta. (I love spoilers, and knowing how tv shows finish.)

Hope you guys enjoy my first Violetta fanfic. Also by the ship name by the title, Leonetta ends up together so don't worry, but Dieletta is gonna be very prominent in the book.

Also, I know that Marco leaves to London, but he's in Mexico for the story.

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