Chapter 5 [ Investigation ]

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The Ultimates

" What h- happen here and who are this people?" Undnye look closely at the burnt bodies. No one answer back to Asriel, suddenly a footsteps was coming closer toward the group. Everyone turned their back and see Chara panting. " I heard the announcement, so who was killed this time?" Chara look at Frisk than at Asriel.

" So why were you late coming here, Chara?" Frisk look at Chara, " I have to do something" Chara replied back to Frisk. Frisk shrugged and look at the burnt, bloody bodies. Immediately they notice the surrounding of the bodies. The flowers wasn't burn at all. Not a single one.

A shiny spark glitter in the corner of Frisk's vision. They walk to where it is and crouch down to see a golden heart locket. They open the locket and saw a picture of Asriel. This is Chara's heart locket. Frisk raised one of their brows and turn their head back, looking at Chara. Frisk than stood up and sneakily walk away from the garden and quickly ran to the third floor and to the Lab room.

They took the laptop from where they put it last night, and open it up to revel Alter ego. " Welcome back Frisk, I have completed your quest you ask me to" Alter ego smile than bring a diagram of the building. As Frisk look closer, they spotted hidden passages  that was underneath the building. Their eyes follow to where is leading and saw a huge rectangle box shape, with a label saying. " Trash room." They have also notice where the midden passages was located in the kitchen.

" Uhmm sorry if I disturb you Frisk, but I have a notice that I got new information; while I was browsing of searching the map"  Alter ego's head popped up in the corner of the screen. A new window pop up and two photo was shown.

" King Asgore and Queen Toriel. Why does those name sound so familiar?" Frisk mumble to themselves; Frisk than read their description. But as Frisk was reading their description, they saw something their eyes; A picture of their corpse bodies. The one that was in the garden.

" Cause of death, multiple of stabs wounds, a big slash in middle of the two victims bodies, and was burn too" Frisk squint their eyes to see the text closely as the light of the laptop screen illuminate on Frisk's face; Frisk than look at their talent.

•Asgore Dreemurr- Ultimate King

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•Asgore Dreemurr- Ultimate King

•Toriel Dreemurr- Ultimate Queen

" Ultimate?" Frisk ask themselves; " yes, Toriel and Asgore are the only out of five that had an Ultimate in their talent in the world. However I do not know about the other three" Alter Ego speak quietly. Frisk nodded and told Alter ego that they have to go before heading out the lab.

As Frisk walk to the another room; Chara walk by them before stopping and whisper into Frisk's ear." Watch out for the other two. Asgore and Toriel; they are the last remaining monster in this building" Frisk look at Chara but before they know it. Chara is gone.

And before they could take another step, an announcement was heard throughout the building.

" Your time is up, please head to the first floor and head east of the hallway. Your ride will be waiting for you; I will see you all later at the trial."

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